What scores matter to you? & Why?

Scoreboard (multiple choice)

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Oh. I've seen shft twice in game on his P2P and haven't really seen him post on the forums much... He's reclusive.
It's another great idea, Actually, I think your flag carrier should give you the honorable defender buff, and so should being near the EFC, something to keep people out of mid.

I instantly imagine 4+ hunters (1 of which has a flag) farming GY.
ppl will always find a way to abuse buffs if given for granted
now ofc, Blizz can make a way out of all this, if they care
but they don't so we keep QQ-ing on forums...

MY FRIENDS! have not you played gears of war ? it is all about the KDR . end convo
Your pic in signature made me laugh irl on job
Most of my colleagues looked @ me with a question mark on their faces :)

Horde wins.
The only score i truly care about.
The only statistic I do care about as well.

I rarely check scoreboards.
Only time I do it would be 2 of these situations:
1. Allys have imba healers, we are getting roflstomped and I'm wondering have we killed any of them through the fight. If we haven't, I start spamming/yelling on folks to target healers.
2. We play vs a good premade/pugmade, I tend to take a SS with scoreboards.
Or there is a TI celebrity we're playing against :D

Each game is unique due to human factor, so in most of them its some other thing we need to do in order to win.
But doing those things as a team is what its most important.
Number mean nothing and can be interpreted in as many ways as you like.
- When inoobupro says he did the most dmg/healing done in bg, it means jack shit if his team didn't win.
- When he says he has 7k hks with 8 bg deaths with 62/88 win/played BG ratio that also means jack shit since he /afk-ed most of games where he was about to get killed.
(I could go on for hours like this, that guy is a neverending source of inspiration of things you shouldn't do in a BG)
Honor gained ofc, shows how good you are at gy farming
*posts Brag Call again*

For real though.

Things that warrant notice are all that count for me. Anyone can return a flag...

What about the rogue who reacts and ShS gouges the rogue who opened on you almost as fast as you reacted. The Mage who sacrifices his life to nova the whole enemy team off your FC. I don't think I need to elaborate further
Yes, the achievement Save The Day - Achievement - World of Warcraft for example is a little silly. The only way to get the achievement is to intentionally endanger a flag cap. Saving the day is picking up the flag while the EFC is standing in the cap zone but not yet capped, or before they even get there and running out the other way.

The most important stat is situational awareness, but Blizz can't track that. You know when you play with a decent player though. As soon as someone picks up the flag, I put them on focus. Many times I see them targeting me as soon as they pick up the flag. Experience has told them what's coming.
Eh, I got Save the Day just for it happening. You could easily say that for AB's "We had it all along *cough*.".

I agree Shft. Yesterday on my hunter, I grabbed the flag, ran down tunnel, Handed it off to FC, FC went east, I went west and made 4 hunter chase me while provoking them with serpent stings and /spits to the heal hut while my FC made it to safety. All I got were a bunch of "Lol newb hunter died" remarks. Or on my warrior when I charge/PH a bunch of inc Alliance (knowing there's no possible way I can live) giving my FC enough time to make it to the GY/Heal Hut/out of LoS. Or like on my rogue when me and my team mates assault a flag carrier and I don't even get any damage in the entire time because I had the EFC's healer locked down the entire fight and I get remarks like "Lol newb rogue just stood there" after we return the flag.

A lot of people just don't pick up on the subtleties. There's a lot of psychology/mitigating factors that can come into play that blizzard just can't cover with a scoreboard, if you know what you're doing/how people play.
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If you can kill the EFC in the flag room, you can more than likely pick up the flag. Pretty simple. Many AB games really do come down to a 50 resource difference.
Yeah, Wish WoW had ranged classes. I mean, If I was on my hunter and I was 30 yards behind the EFC I wouldn't shoot him I'd go for the flag. And if they capped I'd know I still made the right choice.
What qualifies as the FR is a very small area. Ranged need LoS. There are very few places to legitimately get the achievement from 30 yards away. Most people get it by camping the FR and chain CCing. Again, actually saving the day, not just in this low HP bracket, but generally, would not be trying to get this achievement. Even in this bracket though, you're probably going to either kill them before the FR, or they will cap.
Having the coolest mog is the only thing that matters to me.

That's a matter of opinion ;D

What qualifies as the FR is a very small area. Ranged need LoS. There are very few places to legitimately get the achievement from 30 yards away. Most people get it by camping the FR and chain CCing. Again, actually saving the day, not just in this low HP bracket, but generally, would not be trying to get this achievement. Even in this bracket though, you're probably going to either kill them before the FR, or they will cap.

I just can't really take your word for it, 80% of the games I'm in with you, you leave in the first 3-7 minutes so I can't really see you being in the situation and having the experience to report back on it with.
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I play to win. Or have fun. Preferably both. The details are trivial. I've spent long matches guarding the FC or being the FC while my team putzes around in mid or GY farms. (Whoops - I dropped the flag after I asked you to stop GY farming and ya didn't... haha).

And yes - I like the example of the mage that sacrifices himself to nova the enemy team - good stuff. Same with priest fear or sham earthbind. You can't measure that awesome in quantitative terms.
The most important thing is helping your team win, and the scores that matter are 3 capped flags or 1600 points for my team.
If you're looking at the scoreboard, you're doing it wrong.

Nothing on that scoreboard is worth reading, nothing. All that is there is ego.

I tend to pay more attention to me picking the flag all alone while my team fights in mid. When I was still fairly new to WoW, Kincaide told me the best thing anyone could teach me about battleground PvP. Sometimes you gotta ignore whats in front of you and go where you are truly needed. That's not in mid, it's in the flag room, picking the flag and hoping your team gets roused from their stupor by the little sound of someone picking the flag. Triage. The mid fighters are not worth my time. Healing the fcer or being the lone fcer is, in WSG that is the goal, the priority.
Flag returns/ caps, any one can sit in mid and soak up everything else listed, I like when people play objectively instead of just soaking up scores that really won't matter in the long run.

Anyone can follow offense and spam click the flag for the return. : /
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