What really grinds my gears?

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THIS! Tell Peez I am not a spokesperson for Silvermoon... The only twinks I know of on Silvermoon are Cao and Mother....I don't know them or play with them.....kind of funny though coming from a scroller.


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I also gotta prob wit Peez, he didn't send me no message but he's actually exactly what he called the players from Silvermoon. He's a piece of trash who thinks it's fun to run around with 3.7k health and 2 shot everyone in the 20 bracket. Peez is trash and I'd kick his ass in a fair fight. This also goes out to all those 24 premaders who think they cool cus they can 2 shot people who have half their health and damage. Go screw yourselves. Or better yet, go make a trial come meet me and I'll lay your ass out and show you how good you are.
Warrior rage gen being 50% crappier than it used to be, except for when you're in fury spec, but you lose so much damage, rage gain every 2.3s isn't that helpful....

Also, those people who as soon as they are about to die, they exit the BG. Fucking cowards.
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When players like Honeybadger talk a big game about fairness and being a good player on the forums, who then go into a 20-24 battleground with scrolls and 6k hp, who then proceed to run from me when I charge in to purge their crutch.

I really wish 19s would come back so we could leave this garbage bracket behind and enjoy half decent games sometimes.
The newcomers to our bracket afk out first sign of trouble. Like a screen shot will keep u from getting laid or something.

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The newcomers to our bracket afk out first sign of trouble. Like a screen shot will keep u from getting laid or something.
Haha Metro (hugs)

Getting into a group with all f2p's and they tell each other not to help the 24 out and the other team is a premade. Then proceed to get upset that they aren't getting healed when the only 24 is the only healer.
Watching someone cap the flag, take off and complain that we are losing.
The newcomers to our bracket afk out first sign of trouble. Like a screen shot will keep u from getting laid or something.

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People who afk with less than 2 minutes left, giving the next person that joins a fresh and fast loss. Seriously, you cant wait 2 fricken minutes?? *Cough* Jetlife

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