What really grinds my gears?

My gears are ungrinded now Ab weekend is over, I think I did 3 and that was to many. See you in the gulch
I hope this means you'll be playing more (hugs)

When someone says they are so great and their deaths are low, but I've noticed that they afk out more than play
Haha Metro (hugs)

Getting into a group with all f2p's and they tell each other not to help the 24 out and the other team is a premade. Then proceed to get upset that they aren't getting healed when the only 24 is the only healer.
Hmm.. Seems like the F2P bracket is growing up..

Last time I called out a 24 ended with 3 ~ 4 people telling me to shut up and bowing before that Sacred Battlegrounds General.

I might miss that. There's something rather Wry about people defending those that keep shoving their face into the dirt.
45mins to get get off the car park, after christmas shopping all day -.-

and the guy above
Having 10 stacks on me and my team leaves me alone. Can't blame the rogue for opening up on me :(
Cripzblood saying something about 24 when he actually had 3 24 in his sig but he removed them.

Ive played 24twinks and F2Ptwinks so i obviusly have a opnion about them and have right to say whatever i think.
ye cuz i dont play them anymore and their armory was removed so there was no point in keeping link to them in my sig.
Ive played 24twinks and F2Ptwinks so i obviusly have a opnion about them and have right to say whatever i think.
ye cuz i dont play them anymore and their armory was removed so there was no point in keeping link to them in my sig.

Yeah np portugueses grind my gear aswell.

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