What really grinds my gears?

My rant I guess is about people who pay to play in our bracket gaining a false sense of entitlement and superiority over every F2P SOLELY because they pay. :)

You are not paying for a game, and still claim that a piece of it is yours. You are the one giving yourself handicaps with restrictions, that is not our problem.
If you have only one healer in a bg, why spread out everywhere?
No one owns the bracket. Not P2Ps, not F2Ps. Blizzard owns it. That being said, I agree if the F2P crowd, including the Brazilians, suddenly vanished, the bracket would be deader than a doornail. However the same wouldn't be said if the P2P left. I'd say we all have a symbiotic relationship. F2P keeps the ship sailing by being the rowmen, while P2P's pay the repairmen (Blizz) to keep the boat(WoW) from going under. What we lack in money, we bring in numbers, and what the 24's lack in numbers, they make up for in money.

That aside, just all of 5.4 Grinds my gears. This is probably the most unbalanced bracket hands down at the moment.
Is that I have been stuck on two of my 24s in bgs where it loads and keeps kicking me out and dc'n me. It's pissing me off.

Fucking idiots on the opposing team who turtle with 8 people in their base on defense and 2 on offense who STILL manage to get a return on my team's flag carrier while I'm waiting for the rest of my mouthbreathing team to come help break through a completely unnecessary turtle on theirs.

edit: This entire bracket grinds my gears. 99% of the players in this bracket are terribly horrible at this game, even the stuff that's common sense is lost on most of these goons. I've seen ONE caster who can fake cast and bait kicks or counterspells. I've seen maybe 2-3 other offensive players who know how to read the map, call locations and know where to be when needed. I've seen countless idiots who want to an hero across mid with the flag despite a fully geared flag carrier behind them telling them to drop, resulting in an enemy cap. I've seen countless idiots try to be an hero and take on an enemy flag carrier with 7 enemies around him.

WSG isn't really hard at all guys, quit being mongoloids and just stop and think for a second about what you're doing. Games would be a lot better in this bracket if most of these shit sippers would just take the time to think about the game as a whole rather than jaja-ing the way to 2 KBs.
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Fucking idiots on the opposing team who turtle with 8 people in their base on defense and 2 on offense who STILL manage to get a return on my flag carrier while I'm waiting for the rest of my mouthbreathing team to come help break through a completely unnecessary turtle on theirs.

It was a fun game still, you should relax a bit bud. :)
Fucking idiots on the opposing team who turtle with 8 people in their base on defense and 2 on offense who STILL manage to get a return on my flag carrier while I'm waiting for the rest of my mouthbreathing team to come help break through a completely unnecessary turtle on theirs.

Only if they would of taken out the disc priest :D
It was a fun game still, you should relax a bit bud. :)

I'm relaxed, I just hate being the only person on my team who has half a clue what's happening in the game. My shoulders are only so broad and there's only room for just a few mongrels there.

Only if they would of taken out the disc priest :D

I kept telling them that! I spammed chat with "KILL THE PRIEST AND THEN THE DRUID HEALER" and it would not get through lol.
Apnea;732119 I kept telling them that! I spammed chat with "KILL THE PRIEST AND THEN THE DRUID HEALER" and it would not get through lol.[/QUOTE said:
I know what you mean. I kept telling them that before you got in the game:p
Having to wait 3 more days till I can get my Heirloom axe. sitting at 146 tickets. Doing the DMF dailies on schedule for the next three days will give me enough to get the final piece of gear for my Warrior. All that's left is the Arena Trinket, but it's near impossible to get that anymore.
WSG isn't really hard at all guys, quit being mongoloids and just stop and think for a second about what you're doing. Games would be a lot better in this bracket if most of these shit sippers would just take the time to think about the game as a whole rather than jaja-ing the way to 2 KBs.


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