What level for level 20 BOEs ?

a level 19 character will find level 20 Legion epics. Souce: i've found 4
Cheers, would be nice to find a level that could find both BoE Greens at level 19/20 and also levle 20 epics

Currently finding level 14 Greens on my 20 shammy
Legion ilvl 28 greens needs a level 24 looting to receive level 20 equipment, Legion Epics however only looks like it takes a level 19 or 20 to scale to level 20 (as stated above).

BfA greens only requires level 20 if you're in a level 25 zone, Nazmir for example.
yeah, greens will always be a lower level than epics.

my guess would be a level 26 would find level 20 greens

Added a picture of the epics i've found


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both work as i can confirm level 24 100% works, as that's what i've been doing
yeah, greens will always be a lower level than epics.

my guess would be a level 26 would find level 20 greens

Added a picture of the epics i've found

any tips for farming those bad boys or just insanely lucky? (oops double posted)
at level 24 the Legion epics require level 25
Awh that's to bad. well i guess i'll just be farming on my twink for those ones then. and farm the greenies on a level 24, have you had this happen to you. or is it just a guess ?
Awh that's to bad. well i guess i'll just be farming on my twink for those ones then. and farm the greenies on a level 24, have you had this happen to you. or is it just a guess ?

happened to me 4 times now, get an epic drop and it requires 25; i have a few posted on the AH

also to note: out of like 100 boe ilvl 28s i’ve had 4 total epic drops (none of them had a socket /cry)
Yeah, cause the greens can go epic aswell right ? is there a difference in the ilevel/stats and whatnot ? and which class you find it easiest to farm as ?
my level 22 found level 22 epics
Really ? which slots were they ? like waist, boots or which slot ?
after some farming; epic BoEs go to whatever level, my 20 was getting epic boe 20s while my 24 got gear for 25s


my 24 gets ilvl 28 greens that req. 19
my 20 gets ilvl 22 greens that req. 14

hope that helps
Cheers, helps alot ! :D
after some farming; epic BoEs go to whatever level, my 20 was getting epic boe 20s while my 24 got gear for 25s


my 24 gets ilvl 28 greens that req. 19
my 20 gets ilvl 22 greens that req. 14

hope that helps

Also, which class is the one your farming on ?

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