What is your most hated class?

how retarded the games can get. It's only fair to play with 4 other geared players who actually play objectively(at least from my own perspective).
I agree and not saying anything against premading hordies but when you premade you more then likely (assuming your fcing as resto) have atleast one other dps with you and probably a healer so of course you won't ever 1v1 something because its gonna be 1v3 at best for the ally. Also you're the first AP or anyone really that ik that didn't whine about how hunts ruin the bracket and how OP we are and blah blah blah.. Nice to know were not hated by everyone :)
Aren't you a exo spammer too?

No. I don't spam Exorcism, ever.
Paladins are op, Exorcism is not..
Every Paladin has much more efficient abilities to make damage.
I'm doing fine with HShock, Crusaderstrike and Judgement. If I'm solo on a target its much more useful to hit it multiple times than let it run away while Im casting. Paladins are a melee class so every yard your enemy gets away from you is too much. And after all I'm a healer, so I need my mana for tons of FoLs..
Same goes for Prots and Rets, just switch HS to their ultimate.
No skilled paladin should have to spam Exorcism..
And if I'm get kited...no other class in this bracket has more surviveabilities than Paladin, especially Holys - there's alway a gate, wall, house with an edge ;)
No skilled paladin should have to spam Exorcism..
You're wrong. Exorcism can't be dodged. Incredibly effective against rogues. You don't always want to be in the middle of an enemy group. Exorcism has its place, as does spamming it, especially while bubbled. It's also great against someone faster trying to run away. Many times I have killed someone with an exorcism as they ran.

Good news for you though, pandas will stop the exo spam.
You're wrong. Exorcism can't be dodged. Incredibly effective against rogues. You don't always want to be in the middle of an enemy group. Exorcism has its place, as does spamming it, especially while bubbled. It's also great against someone faster trying to run away. Many times I have killed someone with an exorcism as they ran.

Good news for you though, pandas will stop the exo spam.

Exorcism only works on targets in front of you, the rogue will just walk through me and my spell is gone.
If I'm not in the middle of an enemy group I'm runnig away or standing on the outside healing, not dpsing..Prots and Rets usually dont heal. Isn't it ridicolous that they stand 30yds away and spam ther Exos? As a melee?
I only bubble if I want to survive or keep spamming FoLs without getting kicked by rogues and if I'm still bubbled, solo and at full health I still have my Shock.
Well, Rets have no way to attack out of bubble except Exo, so it would work probably but is still not that skilled than getting out of the bubble at full health and full mana to kill the enemy with the other abilities.
If someone really tries to run away, i try to close up to him, if he is faster i wont stand still spaming Exo, if I'm sure he doesnt die after the first.
A FoL or two is enough to get paladins to full HP. HoP lasts longer than that. A few exo spams on a rogue is far more effective than trying to melee them. You said that no skilled paladin should exo spam, and you're wrong. 1v1 against a rogue within melee range is not the time to exo spam. You do it before they have a chance to get that close, or even notice you're there before they die.

I've killed rogues 3v1. There's no way that would be possible without bubble and exo spam. All I'd see is dodge spam trying to melee them. Exo spam also works on hunters. Good luck getting close enough to melee them. If you get them low enough to kill with a few exo spams though, it's well worth doing rather than trying to get close enough to melee them, which isn't possible without bubble. Many times I have bubbled and got close enough to a hunter to exo spam and finish them.

Exo spam has its place. Accept it.
Take away a Exospammer, and what do they have left...

CS - 4.5 second cooldown
TV - It's only real burst is @3 HP but still does okay @2 HP but requires CS to use.
Judgement - Doesn't really do much damage at all.
Melee swings - Speaks for itself.

Exospamming is really majority of a ret paladins burst and is the only way to do any type of damage if they are being kited(they dont have HoF or Judgement speed increase yet).

"No skilled paladin should spam exo"??

Yes and no. If you're ONLY using that ability and completely ignoring TV/CS than you are a baddie in my book. But good luck fighting a Frost Mage without Exospamming. HoJ them once, they blink out. Pet Nova you, and kites you from there. The only way you're going to win against a frost mage is if you fake cast their silence and exospam. Unless you have a better idea?




Ya'll are buncha nubs. L2Heal me bruh I cant fukin beat dat mage since I dunt use exo FAKKKK ME.

/afk - Gonna make a QQpost nao.
i hate pallys
noob pallys are tougher to beat than noob hunters as a feral.
Rogues ambushing after you got a hard kill off.
Hunters chasing someone forever midfield.
Paladins Avengersilencing after a first fake, because he obviously couldn't find the button earlier.
inb4 my /rant

its not about class, honestly.

i hate people that don't know how to play their class, that don't carry their purpose in the BG. people that gear / spec wrong. ect....

if your a hunter with 2 AGM's and you actually kill the EFC's (or atleast try to your best ability) and keep the base as enemy-free as possible, then your just a good player. ppl may hate you because your OP and killing them, but your doing what your role is suppose to do.

people have opinions on hunters fighting mid, i think it's really out of their place, unless nobody is in the base. but perhaps they should go help the FC grab the flag, because i highly doubt the base is clear AND the FC is able to grab the flag. if for some weiiiird reason (team with 24's is camping enemys?) and base is clear and FC is fine, just run around mid, making sure FC is good, and nobody is getting to base, somehow able to get away from the GY farm. (no, i did not say to go close and help GY farm, mite wanna re-read that if you got that out of there somewhere...)

same with other classes, but hunters are most complained about so i figured i'd specify them.
if your a hunter with 2 AGM's and you actually kill the EFC's (or atleast try to your best ability) and keep the base as enemy-free as possible, then your just a good player. ppl may hate you because your OP and killing them, but your doing what your role is suppose to do.
people have opinions on hunters fighting mid same with other classes, but hunters are most complained about so i figured i'd specify them.
Not sure why you need 2 AGM's to kill efcs as I tend to do fine with 2 haste trinkers :p I have converted to a Defense hunter 90% of the bg and honestly I have felt like i helped the wins we got alot more while everyone else either gets farmed, fights mid, farms or who knows what else.
I will go mid maybe 1-2 times in a row to try and clear people out waiting for horde healers to go oom then make a surge to fr but problem with 75% of hunters in this bracket is they will go mid time after time after time after time etc.. no trying to get efc or trying to help fc or trying anything really except get to mid, kill 2 people then die.
Paladins Avengersilencing after a first fake, because he obviously couldn't find the button earlier.
cannot agree more to that.. its same with every cc
i fake cast my fear but the rogue's late kick gets my second fear and im like bullshit

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