What is the highest level Mob (NPC) you have killed?


While exploring the Stonetalon Mountains, I happened upon Feras, a rare cat with a silver portrait. It is a level 25 mob and attacked me upon spotting him. Then, just as I started to fight him a Grimtotem mercenarie, level 29 mob attacked me too. I was able to take them both out, with my Paladin.
So that got me thinking, what could be the highest level mob you can take out with your level 20 F2P character?

I'm sure some classes can manage better then others. I would be interested in hearing what others have accomplished. I am just getting started doing this.

For me, traveling down the Cape Of Stranglenhorn I was able to kill these Mobs-

Naga Explorer – level 29. (Cool down used- No)
Cold eyebasilisk – level 30. (CD used- No)
Blood sail swashbuckler – level 30. (CD used- No)
Blood sail swashbuckler and a warlock (both level 30) at the same time. (CD used – Divine shield)
Southern sand crawler – level 35. (CD used- No)

Will update as I try other zones.
An 82 croc, pre hit rating changes, as a hunter. I dont think I managed anything 30+ on any melee I had, but I didnt really try. I tried going back after they changed up hit rating vs higher lvls and tried the same lvl mob and missed constantly for the duration of my attempts. Havent tried anything else since, but surely a much lower lvl now because of those changes. Might try and see how high I can go eventually.

GL with your continued attempts to go higher.
some lvl 14 twinks killed the colossi (the ones who split into shardlings in outland) like 5 years ago....and lvl 1s killed a lvl 40

Btw, a resto druid can infintely tank them now,since 70s only crush ~500 and 800 crit,so it shouldnt be a problem
I constantly used to kill sporebats before bgs on a trial hunter,and with buffed sting it shouldnt be a problem
I know hit is an issue. I had wondered if a group of F2Ps could grind timbermaw or CC rep on 60-ish level mobs. I was thinking that it would be cool to see a f2p raid take down a devilsaur.
Level 55 Desert Rumbler In Cata, with Avenger's Shield, Judgement, and self Holy Light.
I tried kiting the Shattered Hand west of Honor Hold (Level 62ish) but the Honor Hold Guards did most of the work, still got some rep.

In MoP, mostly just the undead around Plaguewood Tower as Holy for Mageweave. Cannibal Ghoul, Level 43ish.
idk what level the mobs in nagrand are but I deal with them solo pretty often to get mah whisky
Level 58 treant on the pali was the highest mob I attempted. I'm sure 60+ weren't that bad on non hunters before mists.
i really dont go out of my way to do high level pve, but the highest thing ive killed would probably be one of those earth worms in hellfire when i was looking for outland flightpaths. i usually fight high level players in world pvp too since im on a pvp server but ill save some of those stories for another time :p
Moved into the Burning Steppes, and took on two Fallen Flamekin, one was level 50 the other 51 at the same time. (Near Kibler, at the Flame Crest outpost.) Didn't really need to use Divine shield, but did so near the end of the fight, just to be safe. Still interesting that even with all the misses, mobs 30 or more levels then you can still be taken out, and in this case, two of them at once. Of course, self healing sure helps.
We killed a lvl 63 and a lvl 71 with a F2P raid on EU some weeks ago :
[Event F2P] "PVE HL" interserveur - 28/12/12 - YouTube
Solo I killed mobs in Feralas when I was farming the Tiny Emerald Whelpling. They are 35 and I was a Protwar during Cata, not sure if I could do that now.

PS: How can I link a video without showing it like that plz
Killed a lvl 62 mob in woods of terokkar today. I have BiS hit gear for elemental shamans now, 39% hit unbuffed.

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