What is the facination with Arena?

Rayekk said:
Indeed it is- an no offense taken- the difference between my post, and the "twink" question is I really want to know and understand the motivation, not tear down the experience. For me, to find another’s reasoning sometimes can help me refocus a interest in something I don't “getâ€￾ right away.

I'm not sure if I can get you an "ah hah", but the other thing I meant to imply with my post was that the reason some twinks do arena is the same reason people twink at all: to play the game in a different way, preferably on a leveled playing field. Arena can also technically be more level and so twinks who prefer to not have to worry about consumables might like it more.
i really like the Blades Edge and Nagrand, if they could like blow that up to 10x original size and make it a eots or wsg type BG that would be cool because the landscape is pro in both of them imo.
just so you know, the tier 1 talent that makes arcane missiles 100% uninterruptable is oftenly ignored and they shouldn't !

back to the subject...

Arena's are cooler then most BGs if you ask me, PVP is all that makes me play this game, and there i saw a lot of characters getting owned easily, the why i always thought WoW was the most unbalanced game ever. toward the end of the BC game, it was all different, it all came back fine and balanced. unfortunetly wrath switched PVP to purely the fact of being there and hitting buttons dependng on the melee class you took.

Arena's makes it all the better. most of the BG strategies do not work there. its all about which class you play and with whom you play. but that's like only 30% of the game, how you play your class and how well you work with that teammate are all the major part of the fight. that's what i like, chatting on ventrilo with my friend while we try to defeat the other team. sometimes arena's just works like a charm, sometimes the teams you thought you'd be owning easily becomes the hardest and the teams you thought you'd not be able to defeat becomes the easiest ones.

that's what i like, the competition behind it, PUG BGs are too hard to come up with a strategies considering how much people you can't rely on. and on my server premades are long waits and are way too over powered and we always end up winning fast. there is no fun there, while arena's are all fast paced, lightning fast reflexes and thinking involved, to take back the words in frankenstein... ITS ALIVE !!!!!!

that is what makes me loving it !
To me, wsg/ab are a chore even in a premade. if i can run 2s with a friend and face decent teams, i usually get really fun fights. when Im either facing bad players or you have them on my team, i get annoyed. my tolerance for retardation is very low, and there's too much room for it in battlegrounds when youre in a twink bracket
arena u cant crutch off teamates as much as wsg....in WSG a 9 man premade with a lvl 10 still has a chance vs a 10 man premade

in 5v5s, five good twinks will dominate even 4 good twinks and 1 average twink (not to mention a lvl 15)

this is only compounded in 3v3s and 2v2s

also if ur complaining about los....thats a skill....arenas dont have rediculous los....u guys are exagerating so much....blades edge is the worst and i know plenty of hunters that dont mind blades edge....its a skill to los and its a skill to get stuff off against ppl that are losing

the gear is even...its comp vs comp and skill vs skill

and to all the ppl that say "cookie cutter teams win"....this is 100% true at 70/80

at 19 however...almost any team can win with skilled players....at 19 most 1 healer 1 dps 2s setups are viable vs any other setup...in 3s most 2 dps 1 healer or 1 dps 2 healer are viable...and at 5s, its nearly anything goes, u just need at least 2 dps

there are some good makeups at 19, but its a much slower pace....u dont see as many op teams...most shammy teams and hunter teams are op...but thats cuz shammy and hunter are just generally op.....

arena is by far the most even skill based pvp at 19....and at 80 for that matter

19 arenas might not be 100% even and skill based....but at least its not like wsg: 7 hunters gangbanging u constantly....nobody can say wsg is more even pure pvp than arenas....as for skill: arena has numerous skills to master: kiting, los, bandaging, bandaging between dots, numerous strategies, ect....on the other hand...u can arguably get by with 3-4 moves in WSG on any class a be fine....u dont even have to know how to kite...and u only need to know one strategy

if u dont believe me, here are the only moves needed by each class in wsg (not counting buffs):

priest: heal, dispel, fear, renew (in wsg those are BASICALLY the only moves i use)

druid: bear form, entangling roots, rejuv, nature's grasp (for fc)

pally: bof, hoj, heal, judge

shaman: earthshock, earthbind, healing wave, searing totem

warrior: hamstring, heroic strike, charge, bloodrage

rogue: sinister strike, kick, gouge, evicerate

hunter: conc shot, arcane shot, multishot, wingclip

warlock: fear, agony, curruption, immolate

mage: frost nova, sheep, frostbolt, fireball?

i dont play most of these classes so im not 100% sure....but the basic point is (really take a moment to think about this....really think) if u took a normal WSG and had every class use only these 4 moves....and they didnt kite or do anything fancy...they just keyboard turned their way into battle and fought, i contend that 90% of the bg would go normally....an observer who wasnt looking closely wouldnt notice a difference

on the other hand....keyboard turners, who dont know how to los, bandage, kite, take full advantage of limited 19 moves and use strategy/teamwork....get wrecked in arena

this conversation exemplifies my point:

my GM says: check out that priest over there, we should recruit him (this priest is perfectly geared

i say: duel him, see if hes good

gm says: aight (duels him...the guy sucks and keyboard turns severly....he is basically bad....anyone who doesnt suck ass at WoW would see this)

i say: wow hes terribad....dont recruit him

Gm says: wsg isnt even hard...hes gona be the O priest....all he has to do is dispel frost novas/fears and throw up renews

i say: ya ur right....lets take him

this is not a fabricated conversation...it is the 100% truth...someone who sucks cock was recruit to play for us because WSG isnt hard....i would never arena with the guy because he would embarass himself

anway sorry for carrying on....if ur not convinced at this point i cant help u...but my point is simple: WSG is unbalanced and really isnt that hard...arenas are 100% even (no consumables, ect) pure pvp....if u wana be good at 19, u do arenas....if u wana wallow in keyboard turning, move clicking, mediocrity: u sit in pug wsg all day
ArthurianKnight said:
its all about which class you play and with whom you play. but that's like only 30% of the game, how you play your class and how well you work with that teammate are all the major part of the fight.

that's what i like, the competition behind it, PUG BGs are too hard to come up with a strategies considering how much people you can't rely on. and on my server premades are long waits and are way too over powered and we always end up winning fast. there is no fun there, while arena's are all fast paced, lightning fast reflexes and thinking involved, to take back the words in frankenstein... ITS ALIVE !!!!!!

that is what makes me loving it !

i doctored ur post a little....quoted the parts important parts

the second paragraph is gold....cant rely on ppl in pugs, premades u steamroll too hard, organized guild vs guild = 1-2 times a week....arena is all day every day and its better!!!!!!!!!!
I recently got into twinking again after a long break, and decided to check out arenas...I have to say they are the most fun I've had in a while!

Today I had a 15minute game where my team mate died before I even made it to him and it became just me and a shaman (I'm a priest) And it really ended up being a game of who can use your skills the best, rather than a BG where I just have to stand at the back and heal.
one thing i hate about arena is that the winner is often the one that has the right class comp. in WSG, even if our team is not as well geared or skilled, i can still win the game with good flag carrying.

in 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 arena, bad teammates are what make you lose. in WSG, good teammates are what make you win.
goes the same to me, in arena's if your teammates are bad, you lose, in WSG if you're teammates are bad, you lose ! the only exception is the number of bad people you can have in your team, in WSG even if half the BG is bad you can still pull a win, while in arena if only 1 character is bad you can lose the whole deal.

still saying WSG do not need any strategies is way too far fetched for me. i love both as both offer different styles and ask for you to actually know what's you're doing. a good exemple would be, try to use only 4 buttons in a whole 5vs2 melee in WSG. you're gonna get downed too fast for you to even come up with something. otherwise in such a fight your environment keeps you alive, like the little flower and stay there for self healing. how to freeze an opponent and pop a trusty Heavy Runecloth bandage and then own the guy who didn't use it. how to evade attacks by losing the guy behind a building or a tree, which way you're team mates goes (how many times do you just run dead center and end up alone vs 8 allies) skills are still wanted in WSG. you just can't win a fight without skills and just like arena's you're still needing good class knowledge.

and to be honest there is no class i know that uses more then 10 moves. not even at 80 ! many people just play and forget for half their moves. sorry but i will never see the point of wasting your totem space on stoneclaw totem in WSG or even in arena, there are moves that just are bad and shouldn'T even be in this game.

i just think the speed of the game determines if its fun or not. battlegrounds have the pace to able you to prepare for the upcoming fights or even have time to pull out a strat for the win. while arena's just ask you to quick think and play well your class. but that's not enough you have to know what you're team can do and not go against that !

i think both offer great PVP experience.

but one is as close as controlled environment could be while the others are as close as epic fights (lots of people in the same room) could ever be !

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