What is the facination with Arena?

I'm going to throw this out because I don't get it, but I want to understand. What is the allure of arenas at the 19’s and 29’s? From what I can tell, they’re not officially tracked, they removed all stat buffs (Sharpening stones, Rum stam buffs and party buffs) and you can’t use pots.

Is it a “honing your skillsâ€￾ kind of thing, or is it a trash-talking thing? Both? Neither? What’s the deal?
Rayekk said:
they removed all stat buffs (Sharpening stones, Rum stam buffs and party buffs) and you can’t use pots.
which means that twinks of equal gear will have to rely on skill and RNG only, not all this consumable stuff that only some people use.

Is it a “honing your skills” kind of thing, or is it a trash-talking thing? Both? Neither? What’s the deal?

it definately hones skills, and promotes trash talking to a degree, just like any other form of PVP.

arena is where you can duel people or do 2v2, where the object is just to kill people. in wsg, you have to play the game to win, not go out and try to kill people (despite what crappy pugs do...)
I have played thousands of wsgs, premades, pugs, partial groups, 10v10s. Wsg is boring. I like duels a lot, which are similar to arenas. Its a different type of pvp that can be highly strategized and has a very high skill cap that doesnt require as much coordination as a wsg 10v10 schedule wise. For the most part more skilled players queue arenas and i end up having a lot more fun dueling good players as opposed being semi-afk while a pug grouop attempts to return a flag

edit: also wtb sig in form of actual picture
Personally I think its a rather dumb idea, no way in any form is it a test of "skill".

Its a small lil tiny area full of LoS with very little breathing room.

Melee by far have the upper hand in these locations, easily checked by several seasons of arena both at 70/80 and twinks.

IMO a better test of skill is out in the open battle grounds/world pvp.

6vs2, 3500 hp consumables vs 2000 self buffed, getting the flag from a 9 man turtle, etc.


or http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f1...eepic2copy.jpg

Cliche, in your signature page, hit the "Insert Image" button and type in http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/2584/sigformember.jpg
Naturaltalnt said:
Personally I think its a rather dumb idea, no way in any form is it a test of "skill".

Its a small lil tiny area full of LoS with very little breathing room.

Melee by far have the upper hand in these locations, easily checked by several seasons of arena both at 70/80 and twinks.

IMO a better test of skill is out in the open battle grounds/world pvp.

6vs2, 3500 hp consumables vs 2000 self buffed, getting the flag from a 9 man turtle, etc.


or http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f1...eepic2copy.jpg

Cliche, in your signature page, hit the "Insert Image" button and type in http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/2584/sigformember.jpg

I dont have an insert image option, its apparently turned off. at the bottom of the screen. Double melee teams generally have pretty easy countercomps, and at 19 melee definitely does not have an advantage, not enough burst and a ton of kiting gives all classes a pretty level playing field at 19. Ive always liked the dueling arena aspect of pvp more than ive liked wsg which is a ctf game
ok....consumables and 6v2s arent skills...if u win a 6v2 or get a flag from a 9 man turtle, ur opponents just suck dick at the game

arenas are the ultimate test of skill....u get a battlefield which contrary to what naturalant said has moderate los not heavy los (ring of valor anyone)....arenas take a lot of strategy and teamwork (much more than even premade wsg) and its an even playing field....twinks come in with whatever gear they choose and thats it....no onyxia buffs, retarded consumables, potions ect. its strategy, skill and team comp vs strategy skilll and team comp.....purest form of pvp, its like team dueling

also wsg is only fun in premades....rolling pugs with 10 twinks is boring and solo queueing on a priest is worse....i love arenas because i dont have to schedule matches and i dont have to have 10 guildies on to do em....i get my rl friends rogue and we roll some twos vs other twinks

in short: its pure pvp, w/o logistics
Eh I have never found arenas to be even remotely an even playing field.

Arenas are a laughable joke, if X class beats Y class and Z class beats T class, XZ team up vs YT, whos gonna win? tis quite obvious.

on top of that the limited fighting space severally nerfs casters/hunters. Ive had a 2200 2v2 Resto shaman/Frost mage...that took some real skill and timing on our parts sure, but half our wins coulda been changed by the slightest variable.

Yall are kidding your selfs if you think it takes skill, look at Seasons 1-3, 90% of the top teams were the same cookie cutter set up Paly/Warrior, Paly/Rogue. Then Druids took over Druid/Warrior, Druid/Warlock.

Any thing with a cast time or requires LoS is severally gimped, alittle pole humping and a mage wont get off any thing but instants.

As for the 6vs2, I was refering to enemeys that have similar gear/skill, you can overcome the impossble such as that with team work/coordination, much more a show of dedication than areans IMO.

-Naturaltalnts personal thoughs on Arenas ;)

-Remember kids, take everything with a grain of salt!
Its a fast way of testing out new specs or strategies. It can also be a way to get a feel for new guildies and how they play before a 10v10, etc. Just go with it =P.
arena has its own set of skills that you need to hone. i would consider myself a pretty good WSG player, but when it comes to arena i plain suck balls most of the time.

arena is all about killing the opponent in places filled with LoS (besides ring of valor) and using mana conservation, heals, CC, and damage at the right times and places. wsg is more of a team game, where control of heals, damage, and mana conservation aren't necessarily needed, and good intentions and strategies are most important.
I find more arena's to satisfy myself competitively, whether or not i win or lose, i always learn something new.
Arenas are fun.
Higher rating doesn't mean you have a bigger penis. People who grind arena need to get over themselves skill isn't beating another random teams with a melee/melee setup or even healer/healer. With all due respect to the people that don't play with faceroll setups arena is incredibly easy to beat any stupid twinks. A good skilled Mage/prof pally could easilly dominate any retards with no actual skill.
Arena is pretty fun to roll with a friend even if you end up losing. Yes if you push the strategy's to the max there is always a certain combo of classes which are OP. But its nice when you win against someone you armory that has overgeared you by far. It can be indicative of skill. Or lack thereof on their part.
personally i love and hate arena at the same time, probably because i dont spend enough time in them as opposed to wsg (i LOVE wsg, favourite bg on my main and every twink i've had.) arena is fun when its 2v1 (and i'm the 1) and it isn't against an all out twink- ideally i like to fight 2 players who have wannabe twink gear. 2v2 is fun at the same time but teams need to be equal and i have never enjoyed it as warrior. i run out and my rogue partner takes 3 minutes to initiate the fight, even if i hide out and wait, it i often kill myself vs. 2 good player before my teammate has even joined in. skill wise, there is an element in both wsg and arena. in wsg it is important to pick out your battles or you will end up in said 6v2 or even 8v1 situations. though you can usually kill a player before they will kill you, most of the time you are going to die with enough damage even from 400 hp mages that are just sitting around nuking you while your fighting another player. arena is a different style of fighting, and class setup a lot of time is more essential than the players in the arena (though there are exceptions to this rule.)
Higher rating doesn't mean you have a bigger penis. People who grind arena need to get over themselves skill isn't beating another random teams with a melee/melee setup or even healer/healer.

He meant what's so facinating with skirmishes. And the reason 99% of the people do it is to they can brag on the forums and flex their epeen.

One thing I do like about arenas (especially at 19) is that you can basically succeed with any comp. You don't really run into any hard counters or unbeatable teams that you would at 80 (aka DK/Holy Pally, Mage/Rogue)

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