What is the best hordeside Ruin guild?

The thread isnt titled "Post your guild here" or "The guild with the most twinks" or even "Name that one guild that beat you that one time in that one wsg"

Im curious what the general consensus is on who is the best hordeside ruin guild.
Prodigy -Alliance and Horde
FuryPhG said:
The thread isnt titled "Post your guild here" or "The guild with the most twinks" or even "Name that one guild that beat you that one time in that one wsg"

Im curious what the general consensus is on who is the best hordeside ruin guild.

Probably NO MERCY. NO MERCY for horde, Savy for alliance. Savy4life Bro.
Faceroll said:
Probably NO MERCY. NO MERCY for horde, Savy for alliance. Savy4life Bro.

No mercy isn't active enough to premade. And Savy likes to 2-0 cap, sit on stump mid-field and farm, then have 3 Prodigy players queue in and beat them 3-2. True story.
Yeah pain, Just PM me the characters names who did that, along with a SS/Vid And I will have them gkicked immediately.
Faceroll said:
Yeah pain, Just PM me the characters names who did that, along with a SS/Vid And I will have them gkicked immediately.

Wasn't in there, have to ask DesH. Btw, if you guys are up for premading come talk to us and we'll be up for setting something up.
Mmm? We'd be glad, Just PM me, and We could set something up. Most of the time we just take along a few members then wreck some PuGs.
<Sit Down> will rock all.

I'm interested to see how the Horde <Prodigy> experiment works out, though. Can't be that bad since I'm in it :O
Quara said:
<Sit Down> will rock all.

I'm interested to see how the Horde <Prodigy> experiment works out, though. Can't be that bad since I'm in it :O

premade us gogogo
germs said:

He said not to post your guild but post the best guild and WTS Skill PST would have to be the worst guild on ruin horde or alliance.

Only reason prodigy members are saying prodigy is because we believe we are the best and are yet to be beat.
i have seen Prodigy guild - bloodhoof play horde and alliance players. have seen most of PAINADE's twinks

Prodigy are solid well played twinks. no matter which faction played, they have played honestly and play to win.
Account was already here and has been for a while, only usally post in the social page but it needed to be said.
Prodigy hands down.

WTS Skill has some good kids yeah, but they dont play..ever. No premades, few arenas etc.. In fact I think I saw one new priest in the last week.. before that I only saw Ctrl and Goma. They have the best trolls though and the most "talk" with the least "walk."

NM has very good players, but again they are trying to get active and until they do you cant say they are the "best." That being said they have Scourge, Box, Vonfonzy, Bob and Zaxie.. and thats a pretty scary team in itself.. (PS are you guys getting Gaaz to be your druid or not?)

DEM - Fairly good team, but I think they are missing certain classes/teamwork.. (they have ridic amount of healers)

Twink Info - Nice guild if you are not looking to premade and have a win-first attitude. Ie this guild is a guild for people who twink for fun and who want to premade for fun

So yeah.. I still think atm Prodigy is your best bet. That being said.. people realize Prodigy Horde side started maybe a week ago... give us some time to get gear and trinkets and stuff.. I think I might be the only one with an AGM.. and one of the few with a trinket -.-
Quara said:
<Sit Down> will rock all.

I'm interested to see how the Horde <Prodigy> experiment works out, though. Can't be that bad since I'm in it :O

What happened to DEM Quara? And are you gonna convince Mayhem guys to come over? :D

would be fun! I'm already trying to get some Dominate guys over :p

you know... Anarcan, Gabie, Slyfox (already here)

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