What if everybody switched their main twink to the first class they ever played?

I started out as an male UD lock, leveled it till 57 while doing only BRD from 51-57.
I have NEVER seen Kindling Stave drops from Pyromancer Loregrain (it was a necessary pre-MC staff back then since it had a fire ress stat) and I did around 100 runs (and I'm not joking here).
At one point I really thought someone is messing around with me for this staff.
I think I can go to that instance blindfolded now.

Back then 3 ppl (or was it 2?) had to run to instance entrance and summ rest folks, which was such a pain i simply can't describe
And a semi decent run to BRD lasted at least 2 hours (I have seen last boss in BRD only once after approximately 4 hours of playing).

When a friend who was raiding ZG and MC at that time, told me that most of items in raids have around 1-2%, I got so furious thinking "If i did 100 runs for an item that has a 25% drop rate and never saw it, why would I wanna go to raids and spend my life in search for couple of items? This game is stupid..." that I deleted the game.

After couple of months, TBC came and I rerolled pally which was my main till WOTLK.
Then tanking with pally became so faceroll that I switched to DK.
(when you think about it, seems like I switched mains every expansion :))
i actually do, my first character was a dwarf hunter called fatalwound, so i made fatalwound
warrior can't remember if it was a orc or undead .... the first serious main was my druid as the guild I was playing with needed heals and the druid seemed cool to me
Aha mine was a Dwarf Hunter back when TBC was just released. Coming from runescape, I didn't realise about quests and leveled to 6 without touching one and then I died and thought that it was the end and deleted it and made a new identical dwarf hunter again leveling quite far without touching a quest! Funny thinking about it now...
lol my first char was a nelf druid i think the name had to do with kylethekyle back in vanilla... took me 2months to ding 20 and i think i wore all whites the entire time...

then the next year i rolled a gnome warrior named kylethekyle and i made a guild called "The Midgets" and it was gnomes only except my druid who was ranked "tall person" and i remember questing with this guy named melo and when i came back the next year he had a lvl 70 hunter... and i was still lvl 22 :(
Dorfadin with no regrets!
Nelf hunter from the release. Took me 14 days of playtime to level to 60 and never leved a character that fast to 60 in classic. I still love the class hence why im still playing one and i made a nelf 19 hunter back in classic a twink, troll hunter 19, 29 and a 60 nelf back in tbc, a 10 troll and 39 tauren hunter in wotlk and I made of couse my f2p nelf hunter @ EU and US and a 24 troll @ EU in cata. The tools they have are just awsome for pve and pvp wich makes it for me the most fun and apealing class there is. If they would nerf ever single bit of damage and what not more, i still would play and make one <3.
Haha i rolled a Nelf Hunter too ^^ So I would quit if i had to play a hunter as a low level twink XD especially a nelf hunter.... No offense *cough*
Troll hunter, hell no.

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