What exactly is the reason why you play 70's.


I'v been around for a wile now and i just noticed i'm completely clueless on why most people play 70's.

Seen a lot play 70's because 85 fails to them, and let's even say that a good part of them end up playing mages and paladin, they play them badly so this is really not ment to be for every single mage, there are quite a few who really play well, same for paladins.

I personally play 70's because i did not enjoy Cataclysm high end pve at all, quitted after clearing everything on normal, took us 1 week, disapoiting.

So i decided to play 70's and try to spend less time than my 85 required me in the past years.

So here is my question, why do you play 70's ?

Thanks for taking the time to share your oppinions / toughts.
I missed Burning Crusade, it was when raiding was hard (SWP) and arena was a new thing, no one had any idea what a good comp was. It was genuinely fun and new at the time it came out.
I play 70-74 when I want to relax and have a good time being a battleground hero or sneak off to recap nodes. PuG games aren't intense like they are in the midbrackets. Playing with a couple of guildies as a recap team or anywhere in SotA remains my favorite thing to do in 70s.

WSG is the exception. I hate WSG in the 70-74 bracket, as it takes more coordination than 70-74 PuGs can typically handle, and PuGmades steamroll. There's no middle ground. I'd exclude it from my randoms if I could.

By far, 70-74 is the easiest bracket to gear for, so a lot of players start their XP-off exposure in that bracket. 24-hour availability helps a lot, too. These two aspects snowballed to bring this bracket to the top of the popularity list.
BC is/was and will always be the best expansion/pvp/pve of wow. S3 glad in 2's/3's and rank 4 3's in s4. I simply love everything about bc. The raids, the old pvp, world pvp. All of that was lost once wrath hit.
I play a DK. If he's OP im sorry. I don't think of myself highly. As in im so amazing but I don't play blood unless it's dungeons where I tank. I also hate 85. Just horrible x-pac. 70 is where I can arena, pve, and do really fun stuff without having to be hardcore, or having horrible grps.
Squeakyjack said:
I play a DK. If he's OP im sorry. I don't think of myself highly. As in im so amazing but I don't play blood unless it's dungeons where I tank. I also hate 85. Just horrible x-pac. 70 is where I can arena, pve, and do really fun stuff without having to be hardcore, or having horrible grps.

I like this answer ! + 1 !
My 85 is very focused on PvE.

While I'm amazing at PvP on my own my realm lacks good people that aren't either teamed up, dumb liars or got their heads messed up by the high ratings.

Such rare case of good players who keep their sanity is not impossible though, as I have friends in high populated/hyped servers who want me to Xfer over to play, as they xfer'd out of where I am before.... but I'm officer of my guild, which I'm fond of, and it's not my style nor my intention to leave it for that.

Leveling a new toon to 85 with my work time and raid schedules then take the time to gear it every season is a no no for me.

Then there's 70, the goal level is not so drastic, the gear always remains the same, gives you freedom to do arenas with friends you might otherwise won't get to and without the pressure of cap-lvl arena.. granted there's TAZIK CLEAVESLOL but you can work around that.

Aaaaand thats why I play 70.
I play my 70 alot, But sometimes I play my 85 on the odd occassion.


I just enjoy 70 more, I don't fail at 85 I just prefer to play at 70.
For me it's pure and simple, I hate chasing the dragon.

I was new to WoW when BC came out and never played vanilla. I busted my hump for a hundred plus hours to get Grand Marshall's gear, weapons and epic non-set pieces then in a couple months wham, here have some epic arena gear for less effort (They lowered the honor cost for each piece.). Ever since then I just got increasingly frustrated that my character at whatever max level would never be "done" and that the gear I busted my butt to get would just be given away much easier in the next patch. So screw that, I gave up on max level play.

I got big into 39's and 49's and it's the only thing that kept me playing. When they completely hosed old school twinks; taking away Naxx enchants, leg armors/spellthreads I knew the writing was on the walll and quit WoW entirely. Sure enough, XP gains from BG's killed twinking as we knew it when this site was created.

When they broke down the brackets for Cata, I came back to see what it was like. I got out my old main who was in full S4 stuff and was loving having competitive matches at 70. Since then I've leveled 4 more 70's (Really just a few of my old 39/49's.) and it's all I really do. After doing nothing but TB dailies on my main for like 3-4 months, seeing the new heroics etc I really think max level play on WoW is the same old grind, then they give the old stuff away easier/cheaper than when you got it.

I'm thrilled that I can again have a character that can eventually be "finished" with complete BIS and I can play for the sake of playing, not grinding out gear, hoping for a drop, rolling against complete scrubs on drops I've been after forever etc. All in all I just enjoy having a lot less stress of constantly gearing and regearing a toon.
constant end game gear gring started to feel like work insted of fun, every patch felt well you've seen the film groundhog day i'm sure.

edit: dont really play 70s much but enjoy twinking has a whole.
Because one day i wanted rogue with SWP shoulders and 2 warglaives, now i am waiting for my second warglaive 35th week, What exactly is th reason why you play 70 ? to farm BT over and over again ;]
Dorino said:
Because one day i wanted rogue with SWP shoulders and 2 warglaives, now i am waiting for my second warglaive 35th week, What exactly is th reason why you play 70 ? to farm BT over and over again ;]

I feel your pain bro, same thing for my mh glaive :(
i played 70 cuz it was fun to have nuke fest grind in bgs, same for 60. aswell as 80, and i still played lvl 85 aswell, pvp and pve.
I'm going to have to go with Eveill,

Back in the days of The burning crusade and the start of Wrath of the lich king, i ran around with all my talents in one tree, exploring npc-less and more or or less empty buildings, and just riding/flying through Sholazar Basin or Stranglethorn just for the scenery.

Played a feral druid in a somewhat highish-end guild in the end of Wotlk, started having latency issues (Only in guild runs) couldn't ever work it out, just asked to be demoted to Casual and play my 70 from time to time

Didn't love the hassle of re-gearing characters every tier/season, i am just more then happy to have a character that only needs possibly 1-2 pieces of loot, then I'd never need to EPGP my way into getting a new piece of gear that will be replaced by a another, that will get replaced by a heroic piece, followed shortly after by the new tier.

Never got to play in The burning crusade, see the gear, content, Etc etc, This hunter will probably stay 70 forever, I've got enough untouched 85s.
I play 70 because its just fun, im in a active 70 guild and have active lvl 70 friends, i have 4 70s myself and i just love pvp, and to me, thats what this bracket is all about

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