What exactly is the reason why you play 70's.

Thanks to everyone for sharing theyr oppinions !
I play level 70 as a Mage, I played mage since TBC release and found Burning Crusade to be the expansion I loved the most - When I found out you could do arenas at 70 I had to start another mage for it.

I started out playing some 2s with my mate who made an elemental shaman for it, and loved it, ended up finding other twinks in battlegrounds and transfered to Defias Brotherhood where I met a cool community.

I play 70 because it's a casual way to have fun and enjoy the game.

I don't like the arenas as much as I used to, after the introduction of Tazik/Synapse some classes simply do too much burst (My own class, for one..)
When i was 16 i had a stroke which messed up my right side of my body and left me with other problems. I play 70's (used to be any brackets) when i had a bad day and need a brake from RL. I still have alot of fun playing my 85 lock, but seeing sometimes i literally have to play 1 handed, i turn to 70's or lower brackets (less shit to push)
Used to play it just to kill time. But I quit a while ago since most of the 70's cummunity turned out to be annoying egoists who think too much of themselves. Also I got tired of getting globaled by backpedaling, terrible mages who most likely were clickers also. I couldn't stand the class imbalances anymore.
Well, I find that 70 twinking is simply better then 85 PvP. You don't have as many abilitys at level 85s and you don't need to constantly upgrade your gear, once you have it solid, its good unless there is a change in talents or spells that make a change worth it. I also like to flaunt my fists which outdamage glaives by a ton, so much so that I passed on the MH glaive today, which would have completed my 2 set!

My badass rogue twink.
Friyn said:
Used to play it just to kill time. But I quit a while ago since most of the 70's cummunity turned out to be annoying egoists who think too much of themselves. Also I got tired of getting globaled by backpedaling, terrible mages who most likely were clickers also. I couldn't stand the class imbalances anymore.

Pretty much same reasons why i quited 70s too. Enjoying 85 warrior so much more than 70 ;_;
Let's please not make this thread turn into another flame warr, keep up the good oppinions tough !

EDIT : bump to the top cause i really would like more people to share why they play 70's.
I started making level 70 twinks because i liked BC the most out of all the expansions, and after getting 2300 on my main 85 paladin, I just sort of stopped playing him for PVP since ret is broken and the only time it was good is the first half of 4.1, so i made a 70 paladin
Mostly because its the last bracket where I can play a healer without getting killed within 5 seconds of a rogue opening on me. Reminds me alot of old BC 19's (god I miss my 3.2k health 19 FC druid.)

Currently have:

70 Holi/Prot Pali

70 Resto/Feral Druid

74 Shadow/Disc Priest

74 Ele/Resto Shaman

Mage incoming and may take a 64 hunter 70.
Burning Crusade was the expansion that I started playing on. I never made it to 70 at the time, but I remember how much I idolized it. When I hit 80 and looked at the 70's still on my server there was a feeling of admiration. So, I made a 70 to make up for the loss, and to do something interesting while wrath was in session. I play with people that did at the time, I love it. The content has yet to bore me, the pvp is always interesting (except as a mage) :p.

I continue to play 70's because Cata hasn't brought back my faith in WoW. Not to mention I've met some seriously cool cats playing 70's that make the game so much better.
Burning Crusade was the expansion that I started playing on. I never made it to 70 at the time, but I remember how much I idolized it. When I hit 80 and looked at the 70's still on my server there was a feeling of admiration. So, I made a 70 to make up for the loss, and to do something interesting while wrath was in session. I play with people that did at the time, I love it. The content has yet to bore me, the pvp is always interesting (except as a mage) :p.

I continue to play 70's because Cata hasn't brought back my faith in WoW. Not to mention I've met some seriously cool cats playing 70's that make the game so much better.

So true, so true
Always loved twinks, had 29 twinks back in bc before my main even hit 40 ^^ The bracket was fun in wotlk, but atm its way too unbalanced by some classes who have all their important utilities, and some classes that just cant do anything (Warriors or so, idk). Every once in a while I get stoked and make a twink or switch to a spec I haven't played before, but then u join the bg and u get a decent kd, but every once and a while some 1.3k player comes along on his ungeared mage, and he just backpaddles u to death, then i rquit the bg and the twink :[ Hoping for better times yet again
Deleted by Gihipoxu.
I play 70 for the nukes.

As a matter of fact, I play any twink bracket for the nukes.

I played 85 pvp for a while, and it was, well, boring. You shot, he swung, you healed, he healed, if you couldn't heal, you're screwed, and as a hunter all you did was run in a circle spamming steady shot and hitting chimera on CD.

I started playing a few months after wrath came out, and didn't get any expansions. So you could say I *twinked* at 60. I truly enjoyed my time at that level....everything was new, I was learning my class (hunter) very well, and felt that I was accomplishing the same, if not more, than the 80s I hung out with. I organized all of the 40 man raids every week, farming them regularly. I soon got all of t1, t2, and t2.5 (AQ40 set) as well as completing the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest line (or should I say, quest chains of chains of chains of chains) after 2 and a half months. I obtained Rhokh'delar at that time as well. When i had all of these sets, and all of these weapons, and all of these achievements...i was bored. So I bought the expansions and leveled up.

Those next few months were hell. I hated BC, and hated Wrath while leveling up equally. I had been at an artificial max-level for 5 months, and forgot the feeling of having to grind again. I got to 80 soon enough, and joined an alright pve raiding guild, but then, I wasn't so special anymore. My toon was just like everyone else; hustling and bustling around trying to get the same gear, for the same reasons, to do the same things, week after week. Suffice to say, I missed twinking.

Cata hit, and with it, easier leveling. I hit 85 within the nest 2 weeks, and immediately began gearing for heroics, and leveling up my priest and paladin. Got him to 68 before I stopped.

Then, i quit.

For 3 months.

Eventually, I began to miss the view of Kalimdor, and all of it's funny quests, and the task of grinding a level, and the excitement of wow pvp. However, 85 quickly became old again. I continued playing because I had joined a hardcore raiding team, but my heart wasn't in it.

Then, three things happened at the same time. I obtained a Razer Naga mouse, I began a complete overhaul of my UI, including the introduction of several new addons, and my little brother insisted that I join him in a 70 pvp and raiding guild he was in on his shammy. So I leveled up my paladin, and got to work gearing him.

With the completely new UI, and going from clicker to key binder, and having the mouse (which made keybinding feel so natural) my skill level immediately shot up to new heights. it's like taking a level 9 hunter still in their tighty whities from Elwynn Forest, and giving them all blues and BoAs, chanted to 80% haste and 40% crit, and putting it in the hands of an already skilled hunter.

Except this time, I was going to be a paladin. A class I had not played in months.

So I continued to pvp, and adapt to my limitations. Everyone told me frost mages were the most OP class; so I built a frost resist set. Everyone told me rogues would kick my ass everytime I fight one, so I developed a specific strategy for them as well.

So now, I am at a point where I am constantly improving, but I can honestly say I am having the most fun I have ever had. I am already BiS, for pvp, but for each opponent I come across, I have to come up with a new gear set and mentality that will allow me to beat them. Theres no way i could do that at 85, it's too constricting. I love the fact that at 70, you can beat any class as long as you have some ingenuity and understand your class!

In my opinion, I think I play a very underpowered class, with so much room for improvement. I have dueled and fought other prot paladins, and have beaten every one of them, so it's more a game of skill rather than class, and I love that. Instead of performing the same thing over and over, I can mix it up a bit in BG's.

Ok so back to my main point. The nukes. I would sum up my love for 70 twinking as this:

The ability and management of your nukes, coupled with the skill with which you mitigate others nukes, provides a very exhilarating pvp experience that can not be replicated at max level.

Sorry for wall of text lol

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