What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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I've read several threads lately that seem to be trying to "revive" the 19 bracket. I hear what people are saying, but I also see people saying that there is nothing wrong and the bracket is strong as ever. What gives?

I can't, with any authority, personally answer this question. I haven't given 19s enough change to know. I do know that I have more than 10 friends that played 19s exclusively that now play their mains only (or higher level twink brackets).


Imbalanced amount of true twinks on each side?

Slow Queues?

Pizza AFking?

Hard to organize premades now?


What is your take?
Drayner said:
I've read several threads lately that seem to be trying to "revive" the 19 bracket. I hear what people are saying, but I also see people saying that there is nothing wrong and the bracket is strong as ever. What gives?

I can't, with any authority, personally answer this question. I haven't given 19s enough change to know. I do know that I have more than 10 friends that played 19s exclusively that now play their mains only (or higher level twink brackets).


Imbalanced amount of true twinks on each side?

Slow Queues?

Pizza AFking?

Hard to organize premades now?


What is your take?


Alliance needing to step their game up, with the ptl guild starting it should improve game quality but people really need to L2P no lies.

Also, hunters are pretty lame esp when less then 1% know something strategic about their class, but for the most part 4 terrible hunters don't really turn the tide of any games.
A lot of people miss the good old days were 19s were different, but I would have to agree with Karmaz that people need to learn to play and gear up before they queue up in the 19 xp off bracket. Also since the change in having to queue up as 2 groups to do a premade, it can be very frustrating for guilds to wait for everyone to get in the same game.
The quality of pugs right now is similar to what it was pre 3.2 and the ruin migration, When all the people really dedicated to twinks migrated over the quality of pugs sky rocketed and made it a lot more fun to play thus spoiling most of the good twinks. Now being back where we started and with the recent balance that has come to end game people moved on.
Infighting. Either side starting to lose and then turning on eachother like jackals instead of teaming up and making it happen.

Playstyle preference differences. I see alot of players entering a brawlfest in mid rather than being goal oriented. Goal oriented players get frustrated at the lack of teamwork/effort and it often devolves into playground insults.

Elitism/douchebaggery. Crapping on new and often undergeared xp off players rather then helping them learn and make better gear choices. Those "scrubs" may come to be great players and bolster the bracket.

Hunter advantage. I think WSG needs more LOS features (like making the various tree stumps LOS points). I believe that would negate a reasonable portion of hunter's OP-ness.

All things considered I'm still having fun.
me. i ruined twinking forever and for an encore i went on to troll your forums.

no, the problem with the bracket is the following:

lack of healers (this goes under that "burstiness" deal)

elitists AFK'ing

lots of export of twinks, but lack of import.

go ahead, tell me i'm wrong. "lolol op hunters aer OP lol" and all that jazz, and if theres enough people shouting at me i'll probably talk some more about why i am 100% correct in all of this.
In order

1. Burst

2. Removal of arenas

3. Long ques

4. Ruin Migration ending

5. Boas

6. Most of the better players leaving (in part due to reason numero two)

7. Super villians like Pizza
1. AFKers

2. People queuing when they lack the gear/enchants to be competitive

3. Class imbalance
Oasis said:
In order

1. Burst

2. Removal of arenas

3. Long ques

4. Ruin Migration ending

5. Boas

6. Most of the better players leaving (in part due to reason numero two)

7. Super villians like Pizza

1 = sort of correct.

2 = this did not kill anything relevant imho. just took away a facet which didn't make anything unplayable.

3 = this is not the case any more.

4 = no comment from my (retarded) POV.

5 = did not ruin anything (this comment will be sure to earn me some delightful flame). EVERYONE can get BoAs now*, not having BoAs must therefore be accounted to A: personal prefferences, B: ignorance (some people just plain doesn't know that twinks can trade in honor to justice points), or C: laziness.

6 = no. people leave and come back all the time. while this is sad, its not something that anything can be prevented. i have seen alot of people comming back lately.

7 = Chíll, best super villain EU.

referring to my previous post for bracket (partial) failure.
Hunters make most games unenjoyable when stacked obviously - but it's still the stupid amount of burst compared to available HP mixed in with crappy talent tree revisions in my opinion. Not to mention, timers are for pussies...I miss epic games where you actually had to cap 3 flags to win.
Nit said:
Hunters make most games unenjoyable when stacked obviously - but it's still the stupid amount of burst compared to available HP mixed in with crappy talent tree revisions in my opinion. Not to mention, timers are for pussies...I miss epic games where you actually had to cap 3 flags to win.

It's not just hunter stacking that ruins games. It's also rogues, paladins, and priests.

And I agree with you. The 2 main reasons of why I think this bracket is ruined is because of the 25 min time limit on WSG and of course those shitty talent changes. The 1-2 hour long games are what really made things enjoyable and it put more people on their toes. But now this bracket is all about "Hurrrr cap once and turtle for 20 min". Absolutely horrible.
The biggest reason I think everyone has missed so far is blizzard breaking the bracket for so long that it caused damage that was just too much. I'm not sure but I think it was really close after 3.1 hit that they broke the Queue system.

Soon after there were no pops and it forced the ruin migration and eventually most of the twink community disappeared.

Since then the popularity of twinking has never returned to the same level and most likely never will.

All of the other things mentioned in the thread previously certainly don't help the recovery either.

On every server it used to be common place that you would see 19 twinks running around SW waiting for their battleground Q; EVERY SERVER!

This allowed the casual leveler to be intrigued/curious and there were always people that were interested in becoming/making a twink.

Now some servers may be an exception like ruin servers but anywhere else it is very rare to see a twink running about.

Wow, when did Drayner come back?
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