Honestly curious, not ranting about WoD.
I geared S1 WoD and thats all i really did on my 100.. it seems like no reps are worth grinding, no profs are worth leveling.. raiding is boring.. ect.
I probably wont gear S2 either just because It'll be a waste as my 100 will end up sitting in my garrison all day..
Anyways back to the question What Do YOU Do On Your 100?
I geared S1 WoD and thats all i really did on my 100.. it seems like no reps are worth grinding, no profs are worth leveling.. raiding is boring.. ect.
I probably wont gear S2 either just because It'll be a waste as my 100 will end up sitting in my garrison all day..
Anyways back to the question What Do YOU Do On Your 100?