What class gets the most MoP love?

What class gets the most MoP love?

  • Pally

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  • Druid

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  • Warrior

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  • Priest

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  • Rogue

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  • Lock

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  • Hunter

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Being that I play a rogue primarily now, Druids 1st tier talents are just plain OP. 30% run hax in cat, or blink+CLoSH+vanish, or FaP+Sprint...

Being that I play a rogue primarily now, Druids 1st tier talents are just plain OP. 30% run hax in cat, or blink+CLoSH+vanish, or FaP+Sprint...


...don't forget the stun and AoE HoT.
Hunters are still the same and also get a 30% slow from auto attacks just in case you trinket out of their concussive shot and their fifty other CC and escape moves aren't enough. Obviously druids as mention for that one move. Paladins lose kings at 22-24. Paladins gain a sprint, which oddly, makes holy take less damage, prot do more damage and ret heal people. Perhaps they have that wrong? Paladins also lose HoP and gain a real bubble. Paladins are now real again. Umm, yay? Kinda. Anyway, paladins can now sprint. Kung fu pandas. Seriously? This is ridiculous.

No one knows what will go live, but I can pretty much gaurantee Blizz will make zero attempt at balancing low level PvP, and while they will attempt to balance 90, they will fail.
Warrior's get charge in combat, 2 of them no less.

Vanish for druids is nice, but not as game changing as charge.

LOL it's like they took all the good stuff that rogues have had over the years, stripped them out and gave them to other classes.

F2P Rogues look to be getting gutted. I really hope they make a few tweaks.

I'm not looking forward to losing gouge and sprint and backstab. I get slice and dice instead, which will probably be good for combat rogues who actually count on white damage.

Gonna miss Shadowstep, especially as it's our only counter to disengage/blink/slows, you know all that good stuff that other classes have, especially with no sprint. Gonna be like old rogue, stealthed most of the time until you can catch someone alone and eating

I can take the loss of backstab, though it doesn't make sense, it's a fairly quintessential rogue skill.

Rogues look nice for the upper brackets, but in the lower tier they're just dreadful. I will say that it'll be a tough choice between no energy cost, and improved stealth, but the lack of shadowstep really hurts, especially when faced with Hunters who like to backpedal.
Wait... offhand, does anyone know the cooldown on ambush?

I'm thinking... With an NElf rogue and some Thistle tea... You might be able to pull off... a triple ambush.

Bye, bye wouges

Locks and druids look awesome though

If these MoP changes do come as is, My rogue will at least still be a chain sapping flag support peeler. Single target burst may actually go up as well. I may have to rely on engineering for bomb interrupts.

Losing sprint really looks like the biggest kick in the nuts, seeing as other classes are getting sprint like abilities and we are losing ours
Druid FC's will be like rocket ships that I can't catch... ever, unless I set up by their tun and just wait and hope for a fast crip proc.

We'll see. I'm not giving up yet
I always have my pally I can dust off if it's miserable.

I am not looking forward to the xpac. Druids FCs are making a comeback!

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