What are you playing in MoP?

play my warlock(if its playable), if not, my Rshammy,
if i choose to re-roll,
goblin shammy(not sure if its ele or resto)
with Better Living Through Chemistry mixology + Healing Potion is nice
or troll boomkin is a good option
Resto worgen FC(drood),or
My NE for feral/balance(idk which, was gonna be bal but feral is begin buffed more&more, and nerfs of the same for balance(8% across the board from 16004)
Might play a NE rogue , cause i like the style, IFF they still have good dmg(same on dmg for a worgen warlock)
Sticking to balance druid/enhance shaman, although I feel like everyone and their mother will be playing balance. I also want a goblin/panda, but I'm not sure about what class I'll go with.
Looks like goblins are more popular than pandas in the f2p community =). I don't think I can make myself play panda.. they're just too weird looking. I think I'd like to play a goblin priest or warrior. I hate that horde is getting a cuddly race!
Most Likely I won't be making anything until MoP at which I will make a Pandaren Warrior. Epicurean Racial will make Food with the 6 stam Well-fed buff be doubled to 12. Thats like a AGM that you can farm and cook! Plus there aren't any Races in WoW that I ever thought looked badass as a Warrior class except Human Males anyway. Probably still play on Horde side unless the Queue Times balance out, at which point, I'll make the Pandaren Warrior as an alt and go back to my already geared Warrior on AP.
a slightly better option would be halaani whiskey which will give +40 stam with the racial.

That counts as food? I Thought it was alcohol. I fishes up some Rumsy but it was in a dangerous part of STV. Idk if I can do that again anyway
F2P TBC private server. :p
Srsly though, some people are making a sick server, blizz like 100%. They have had beta's and are working on making everything like TBC was.
F2P TBC private server. :p
Srsly though, some people are making a sick server, blizz like 100%. They have had beta's and are working on making everything like TBC was.

I tried Private Servers, but the directions to install it and play confuses me to no end. I'll stick with F2P real WoW
I tried Private Servers, but the directions to install it and play confuses me to no end. I'll stick with F2P real WoW

Install is just a downlaod, 2.4.3 patch, and not use the launcher so the game wont uppdate to MOP. Then open a file in wordpad and change relmlist to the 2.4.3 private server off your choosing.

This wont be like a normal private server, they are testing everything and not launching it til its finished.
Ill play my ever awesome Warlock and I will give a f*** about being able to play Goblin/Worgen since Undead>rest, also reason why I wasnt playing: Killed my mainboard but now i am back on track. Soon Ill download it in one go in like 1 1/2 weeks so I cant directly start playing =D

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