What are we going to do?

What Should We Do to get Blizzard to Hear Our Message?

  • Post on the Blizz forums

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  • Phone Blizzard and escalate to their management

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Post in-game tickets asking if there's a problem with BGs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Give up, it's not worth the effort

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I tranferred to Ruin this week after giving up ever seeing a BG pop on my server. There's no doubt it's better, I can actually get into some games and there are several 49 guilds...but...

  1. There are no games outside of peak hours that I've seen and this is confirmed by what several others have commented on in the BGs
  2. Arathi Basin has never popped for me after a full week playing at primetime
  3. The WSGs that pop usually have more horde than alliance so the game is so lopsided that its not much fun
  4. Since there are no noobs playing its taken the fun out of the game, not in the 'hahaha... one shotted that 40 as I ran by with the flag!" but providing some leadership to people just getting into the game, and having some variety of players.

So.... if this is the best battlegroup we have what does that tell us about the state of twinking? It's only a matter of time before people start quitting and that will just make the problem worse.

We need to get serious about letting Blizzard know what's happened or just accept that soon this will just be a footnote in the game's history. If we've all moved to the same server and we still can't effectively play we need to do something!

Maybe we start a monster thread on the Suggestions forum and overwhelm the trolls/flamers by all posting so we can get our message heard. We should also monitor the Suggestion page and keep posting about the problem so we don't get lost in the "Worgen/Goblin" discussions.
blizzard's already explained their stance

they aren't going to change shit for people who play a "niche" form of gameplay.



etc etc

this is OUR problem, and WE need to fix it, with activity.
Deathbytwinking said:
*]Since there are no noobs playing its taken the fun out of the game

Anyone who has been leveling toons through the exp brackets has seen a fair share of twinks still there "owning noobs". This segment of the population is missing and adding to the non-exp queue nightmares.

People just want to play and they are doing it in any way possible. It sucks that turning exp off amounts to a "Retire This Toon" button.
Blizzard know about the situation and is working on it. But it isn't sure that they will change anything.

We have to wait and see.
I think twinking is over now too, Blizzard doesn't care as Druiddroid pointed out and half the twinks I know have quit or leveled. It's a blow we'll never recover from even if Blizz were to fix things tomorrow. What's frustrating though is I believe Twinks did do everything in their power, posted, logged tickets and transfered to battlegroups... even with all of that the problem exists and its something Blizzard should have addressed.

I'm on Ruin too and frankly the games aren't much fun anymore. There's no conversation in the games and since its such a small group of players it just doesn't feel like the old days where there were a lot of new faces and some familiar ones.

On a slightly more positive note, a friend of mine who is one of those uber-80s who has leveled every character and has all epic gear in every slot tells me that he heard that Blizzard is working on a solution. Just hearsay though and it might be my sad attempt to want to believe that Blizzard does care but heck its better than feeling depressed about all of this!
I think Blizz can and will make a change if they hear more about this. If they're really going to do something about fixing this why can't they make some kind of announcement or post a message to that effect.

I don't want to give up on twinking but if we've moved everyone over to the right severs and we still can't get games or the gaming experience isn't working then Blizzard should care and they should fix it.
seriously, WTF do you want them to fix?

they made it so twinks can play in their own BGs while players with subpar gear can not get roflstomped. it's a win win, IF both sides are active.

the EXP side is active. a lot. i'm sure levelers are very happy with the change. from what i've noticed there are more EXP games up than there were TOTAL pre-3.2.

idk about the non-EXP side (but it's good in prime time for some bgs/brackets). some people are happy since it's all twinks and the games are fun, others don't like that only certain times are active. kind of a trade off.

if you gather all the 49 twinks to one BG and still can't get enough games to pop to satisfy you, then that means you are playing in an unpopular bracket.

blizzard isn't willing to support ~100 customers, to put it bluntly.
A blue posted they were thinking of merging non-XP BGs somewhere.
Druid, Blizzard does have a responsibility to manage the game experience, they can't just say 'too bad you figure it out' if they're the ones that have all the control.

They could:

  • merge battlegroups (its not a technical issue for the record),
  • they could put things back to the way it was until they figure out a mechanism to come up with a better solution,
  • they could recognize (to your point) that in some brackets the separation wasn't necessary since there wasn't alot of twinking and let those players co-mingle...
  • they could remove the timer on WSG battlegrounds or adjust it for non-xp players
  • they could institute a limit on the number of x9 players in a BG so its not too lopsided

Players can't do these things, the only thing players can do is pay $25 to transfer and hope everything works out or post on message boards/forums letting them know they need to do something.

You're right that there might not be a lot of twinks (clearly) but we still pay Blizzard every month and most of us are exactly the annuity style of revenue stream that Blizzard is most interested in.
Rapt0R said:
A blue posted they were thinking of merging non-XP BGs somewhere.

well, that would be encouraging

@Hagg - im just trying to be realistic, i mean yes we pay 15 dollars a month but i would think they would care more about 10 million players than a small collection of people who solely twink

Well I might be an optimist but I still think Blizz would want to do something to keep anyone playing (even if its our ragtag bunch of much maligned twinks) ... it would probably be worth digging around for that blue quote though.

Maybe there's not a lot we can do but in the spirit of at least making our voice heard I posted a thread on General Discussion and its actually (believe it or not) getting some positive support:

World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> BGs: Cap the number of x9 players

If even a few of us click on the link and post some support it might help keep this in front of Blizz.
queue arena imo, they pop all day long. Also, what are your "peak hours?" I have been in 10v10s at 2am (central time) and 10am, especially on the weekends.
49 Ruin activity took a slight dive once school started for a lot of people. before that, we were getting 2-3 WSG up and sometimes an AB in prime time.

but even with that holding us back, we have games popping in peak hours. in fact, i get into full WSG games really late at night like 10pm-1am PST.
Yeah as ADT said prior to school there was quite an abundance of games.

Even with the release of 3.2 Ruin still had games..... typically with new patched it used to tend to be quiet with very little to no games for a week or so while everyone did the new content... and STILL we had game going at and through 3.2.

Games have dipped a little but I am sure that given a little time for everyone to settle into their routines with school etc... things will definately level back out again.
I think what Blizzard needs to realize is that the Twink community prolly pays more money then everyone else, transfering characters and such. In the 3-4 years I have played, I have paid about 400-500 for transfers. Thats a huge loss if we all quit.
I agree, you would think we should get some extra recognition for paying for that!

Hopefully things will get back to normal soon, the end of the school year has definitely showed things down further. We need some more Alliance twinks on Ruin though, I think thats the biggest reason the queues are slow, so bring out those Ally twinks you might have in Retirement and see if you can even things up for us!
Lets face it, lets put the twinking community at a reasonable number of 2,500 per battlegroup across all brackets.

13 U.S. battlegroups x 2,500= 32,500 gamers. Forget for a bit that many twinks have multiple accounts.

32,500 versus what... 5-6 million U.S. subscribers? How many of those 5-6 million....

1. Don't care about PVP at all.

2. Dont' care about doing BG's while leveling.

3. Love the fact that XP turnoff has made BG's worth doing while levling.

I mean like it or not we ARE the bastard step children of WoW. There's no need for them to care if every single one of us quit. There are enough rewards available through "Refer a Friend" to make up for 5x the amount of twinks in any given quarter are recruited by end game or casual players.

The main reason we got so royally screwed was because we pwn3d too many noobs.
Eveill said:
Lets face it, lets put the twinking community at a reasonable number of 2,500 per battlegroup across all brackets.


so what you're saying is that there are about 350+ twinks per bracket

so why aren't there games?

fail math IMO, i mean i know i don't know any more than you about how many twinks there are, but come on, on AVERAGE there are 350 twinks per bracket?

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