What advices would you give to an 18-year old?

Go to Gothenburg next time I'm there and we can talk this through ! SSDD meetup !

sidebar: met a dude from gothenburg in a hostel in amsterdam, he was hilarious
Take this from a 36 year old who was married and divorced and has done jobs that have more responsibility than most of the people in these brackets probably put together. The single most important thing to remember:

"Avoid the Brown Hole".

Drink your Drugs. Stay in Milk. Don't do School!

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If you're afraid to do something, if it's not too dangerous of course, do it anyway. Whether it goes well or really badly, you will not regret it. Take risks, you're capable of more than you know.
Don't be afraid to exit your comfort zone. Some of the best thing you'll ever experience in life is when you take a risk and do something you normally wouldn't.
you dont have to go to college, but try to find a career that doesnt require you to do a lot of physical labor till you retire/die. your body will appreciate it sooner than later, you feel like god at 18, but by your mid 20s you'll start feeling it
Later in life you will regret what you did not do more than what you did. Busting your butt to achieve something always leaves you with a good feeling in hindsight. Think before you talk, words are hard to take back.

Stay in school :p

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