Mage Swag


2017 Twink Cup Champion


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Gratz, I can't seem to ever get a decent fight without getting gangbanged on my mage.
Arcane Mages are so powerful always.. im always getting top damage and killing blows and least deaths.. feel sorry for the faceroller's who think Mage is an easy kill :/
Arcane Mages are so powerful always.. im always getting top damage and killing blows and least deaths.. feel sorry for the faceroller's who think Mage is an easy kill :/

You're either fighting really bad players, or not getting targeted by hunters and prot paladins often enough. It must just be me, lol. had multiple games with 3+ of the above class, which were backed up by healers.
again, not fighting "really bad players"... just using LOS, basic rotations, and situation awareness... easy.

Obviously i'm not going to run into 2 hunters...
again, not fighting "really bad players"... just using LOS, basic rotations, and situation awareness... easy.

Obviously i'm not going to run into 2 hunters...

You might not run into them, but they will run into you! lol. I understand basic rotation.... but whats the point if I just get silenced with a 1.2k Avenger crit... *sigh* not even enough time to stand still and cast because the paladin keeps running towards you mashing his AS button until it's off CD.... hunters and paladins, it's just these classes (and druids) who are a pita right now because they are so easy to pick up and play that even an average player can go 10+ kills. while of course the harder classes are few an inbetween.
A mage with a friend following around as a healbot can do great but lets not pretend mages are getting top damage and least deaths (whateva!) by solo queing. Any class is great with a dedicated healer, even locks.

..just want to add that mages are viable now but still underpowered
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Heals are definitely required for a mage, we're too squishy, even when playing to the max /shrug
again, not fighting "really bad players"... just using LOS, basic rotations, and situation awareness... easy.

Obviously i'm not going to run into 2 hunters...

Mages don't have rotations, just hitting what's not on CD.

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