Well Mage is almost finished [=

75 skinning = 3 crit (1%)

150 skinning = 6 crit (2%)

225 skinning = 9 crit (3%)

(this is the melee critrates I think, not sure if it's the same with spells tho :S)
I forgot to add that I do have +9fire spell gloves that just arn't on him yet lol

But I think I am gonna start farming for the +11 fire spell pants.

As far as my HP goes I think i'm doing pretty good hitting over 1k every game (with no battle standard)

And I know there are a few Mages out there going "WTF U GONNA GET PWN3D CAUSE U GC" I got 3 healers on my at all times, a Resto Druid, A holy Priest, and A Pally. Cmon now lol Not including I am ALWAYS by our guild Hunter to take care of any pesky Rogues who think they can get me :p
What is your fire spec and glyph? I was thinking about making my mage a pure fire damage spec and then glyphing and speccing for the fireblast crit. I was also thinking about making an arcane damage set for big arcane explosions.

Problem is that fireblast doesn't hit as hard as fireball so maybe a fireblast crit set up is not as viable.
Grabco said:
What is your fire spec and glyph? I was thinking about making my mage a pure fire damage spec and then glyphing and speccing for the fireblast crit. I was also thinking about making an arcane damage set for big arcane explosions but idk

Only good things about Arcane is you get SOOO much resistant that's it, Arcane was fun but not very Mana efficent : /

I did FireBall Crit glyph And just go look at the Armory. (Under my name "My Twinks" and click on Eolithic, the BoA staff and shoulders and Trinkets are on my other Mage atm
Ok thanks took a look at your armory, I think you might want to spec all the way into fire damage (unless you are going for some wierd survivability utility spec?) The fireblast CD reduction and ignite are huge DPS boosts, although hasted fireballs are nice too. Ever think about using a buzzer blade with +30 spell power/ +8sp off hand? (you can put the Minor Wizard oil on buzzer blade but not the BoA stuff)
Grabco said:
Ok thanks took a look at your armory, I think you might want to spec all the way into fire damage (unless you are going for some wierd survivability utility spec?) The fireblast CD reduction and ignite are huge DPS boosts, although hasted fireballs are nice too. Ever think about using a buzzer blade with +30 spell power/ +8sp off hand? (you can put the Minor Wizard oil on buzzer blade but not the BoA stuff)

Went 2 into Burning Determination cause I play against ALOT of shamans and it get's annoying lol

And I'm pretty sure it helps if your being attacked (Yes 1st attack will pushback but every attack after that for 10 seconds you are immune, if anybody knows for sure let me know please >.< lol)

3 Points into Frostbite is AMAZEING!!!

If a Rogue pops on you 15% chance they will be frozen due to your Ice Armor.

I didn't learn rank 2 or 3 Ice bolt, so I can use Rank 1 Frost Bolt at like a 1.3 second cast to Slow them down if not freeze for only like 40ish Mana instead of 120+ Although yes rank will miss at time but when I am casting it that fast to slow them down and get close to FN or FireBlast then no biggy.

But most of the time I just use to freeze a Melee class in place if they get to close and if Frost Nova is on CD.

Only other time I use it is like I said to slow them down, Once they get in rang I am already casting. Then it shoots Slows them if not freezes, if it misses I go again. I have NEVER had it miss 2 times in a row on the same target, I can shoot 4-5 Frost Bolts before they get out of range by then they are either..A)Dead B) Frost Nova'ed C)Getting raped by my guildies.
Eaz, Interesting thoughts on spec for beating shammies and controlling fights against rogues.

Burning determination will cause you to be silenced the first time and you should see the burning determination icon on the buff bar for 10 seconds, basically if anyone tries to interupt during this time it will show "immune". Looks like a good talent to pick up and an interesting way to play a mage most people either go all CC or all damage.
There is a buff on Yojamba Isle when someone does a quest there, I got it while fishing last week. took me from 1400 hp and mana to 2k of each. Its a stats buff. Just throwing that out there. I believe it lasts an hour.
mopchild said:
yeh i thought they were a percentage of base mana not of the trained skill level anymore :S ?

I heard the mana cost goes up ONLY if you purchase the higher skill ranks, but o well Mana is never really an issue [=

Cast will always be faster with a rank 1 though, but I guess it wouldn't hurt if I learned the other ranks, I can just do more damage but with like a 2.8 second cast xD lol

Grabco said:
Eaz, Interesting thoughts on spec for beating shammies and controlling fights against rogues.

Burning determination will cause you to be silenced the first time and you should see the burning determination icon on the buff bar for 10 seconds, basically if anyone tries to interupt during this time it will show "immune". Looks like a good talent to pick up and an interesting way to play a mage most people either go all CC or all damage.

Good thoughts / style or bad? :p lol

I haven't really looked into CC Mages, just I know they try stacking alot of Stam / intell I saw 1 frost CC Mage who had 2.9k Mana and still 1200ish HP

From what I have played so far I have been doing really well about CC'ing and and doing damage.

But controlling fights against Rogues is key IMO. I can normaly handle shammies just fine when I get arcane Torment off, but If I don't time it right then I am screwed for 2 minutes after lol

Priest right now are the only Main challenge. Mage vs Mage has been pretty fun specialy when they are CC Frost mages and I can 2 shot them sometime, 3 most of the time lol. FireBall so I can stand farther away, run up Frost Nova run back away nothing fireball, then Arcane torment and dead, but depending on the situation it varies alot but that is the Basic xD lol

And I am going to be going for Banshee rod of the sun, and I still haven't had any luck finding +20fire spell to gloves or 11Fire spell pants, But 190ish Fire spell at 19 is still unsuspecting for a poor poor little Rogue xD
Well I kinda hit a RoadBlock. Today on the AH I see Shimmering trousers of Fiery Wrath the pants I have been going after for quite awhile now...BUUUUT the guy wanted 175gold buyout. I offer him 100 then he sells to a guy for 101....

But On Cenarius I bought 3 sets of them for 2 gold a peice....

What do you guys think is a nice AVERAGE price these pants?

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