EU+US Welcome 49s


I just moved (yesterday) my 39 shaman (Toltecan) up to the 49 bracket. I am having a lot more fun with him in this bracket. I am currently playing enhancement, but I'm going try out elemental as well.

I'd like to find a good battlegroup for when the new patch hits. It would also be nice to find a server that occasionally has Ribsplitters on the AH.

I also still have 3 x 19's and 5 x 39's that haven't played for a while.
elemental is very fun and has great burst since 3.1. good survivability and tools to kite as well.
footprints said:

I just moved (yesterday) my 39 shaman (Toltecan) up to the 49 bracket. I am having a lot more fun with him in this bracket. I am currently playing enhancement, but I'm going try out elemental as well.

I'd like to find a good battlegroup for when the new patch hits. It would also be nice to find a server that occasionally has Ribsplitters on the AH.

I also still have 3 x 19's and 5 x 39's that haven't played for a while.

US I assume since you're in California. For US 49s Ruin is the place to be. There are ribsplitters on the AH all the time on Skullcrusher. There is an eagle/bear/stamina definately available currently I know the sellers (alliance), well I own the unbound stamina.

As for my own introduction. My 49 is Implacable, and though Horde generally seems to win at our bracket, I consistently annoy and torment them... His primary spec is enhancement and secondary elemental, complete gear sets for both minus the boa's, I still despise the use of those myself lol. I would like to get a BoED from Princess but that is all I'm missing.

I must say I find myself using elemental the most these days.

I also have a twink in every bracket and 3 19s all here at Skullcrusher.

Hai Guise

Been active again lately and thought I register here :)

Nice guides, nice news and very kind people all over the place here, so it'll be fun :D

I started off with a 49 enhancement shaman in the early BC and stopped playing then, sold my account to reroll some months later. My second project, a 49 frostmage went very well and she's still around (even if another guy plays her now tho).

My next project will be a 49 Rogue Twink for Patch 3.2 ^.^

I'll write a guide to pimp the look of your gear by modifying the itemcache later, think that would be interesting for every twink out there :)

Oh, and ... I'm swiss, so sorry for my spelling :$
tweedledum said:

and, by cache modding.. you just have to make a full twill set!

A twill set? What do you mean by that? :confused:

Sorry ... I might understand a lot in english, but I've never heard anything of "twill" before :D

Could you explain it to me? Ye? <3
welcome to the site agonist! hope you enjoy your twinking ventures, and good luck writing the guide. oh and dont worry about your spell better than a lot of Americans. xP
welcome aboard lundarian!
Here's a belated indruction.

I'm the player of my lvl 80 undead warlock Sullie on Drenden. I started bging in the bgs at lvl 24 and I was very much a newbie at the time. Still the twinks were helpful in helping me pvp better. For some reason, I had a lot of fun killing other twinks despite being a newbie untwinked lock. I've always wanted to give back to the twink community... There are times when I question if i'm a serious pvp machoist. I'm currently grinding for the conquerer title on my lock. She's exhalted with frostwolf and at revered with defilers and warsong outfitters.

Right now I'm currently twinking out my lvl 34 priest Cireno who will be doing the lvl 49 as shadow priest. The only BOE gear I need now is Eye of Flame. I camped Hitherlands on my DK and finally I killed Mith'ras for Chan's Imperial robes like five mintues ago.

I'll be farming the AH rentlessly till I see eye of flame on my lock.
Rawr, hai Twinkinfoians ^_^. Confuzled here, well.. One of the two anyway. First twink evar was a 39 Shaman. Then I made this Rogue here in the 49s. And I love every minute of it. ^_^
L'O ALL! as some of you might know, I'm new to this site and the 40-49 bracket :)

I'm currently lvling up my first 49twink, a lock :D

just wanted to drop a hello and welcome to everyone, and a extra thanks to Taitaih, you've been extremely helpful ^_^
hey I'm burn. Have had many many twinks over the years.

Was one of the founders of the twink revolution on Arthas back before xserver bgs came out on a 29 paladin.

Moved onto 49 as a warrior during the Blackwing lair era.

Came back to 49 while on Wildhammer as a feral druid (made a pvp video).

Was a rogue named Jillybeanz in 49 while back on Arthas a few months before WOTLK came out.

Am joining the ranks again as an enhancement shaman that I'm leveling up.

Look forward to playing with/against all of you :)

Hi all,

Finally mostly finished my rogue and got my first no-xp matches in last night. It's like a breath of fresh air being able to pug in on wsg's where people actually know how to play.

Hopefully a few more BIS items and I'll be good to go.

omghax - Shattered Hand

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