Welcome 29s

so i guess it was my turn a month ago, but better late than never :D

so my name is Marco and i play Vanikki.

i was too f***n lazy to choose another name, so most of my twinks

are named vanikki. i just use other ` ´ 's above the i.

right now there are vaníkkí 19 rogue and vaníkkì 29 rogue.

i have 2 vanikki's left <10. a upcoming 39 rogue and a warry.

for the warry i have not yet decidet which bracket i will go for.

but since is started farming PoD i guess it will be 39 haha :D

i play my main char (80 hunter) since european open beta.

cleared / seen all content till now (3.1)

i also have a 60 rogue in t2 which i think i will never level because i really hate

leveling in Burning Crusade..

i thinks that is all you need to know :)
*clears throat* Hey, name's Dace, and I have quite literally just gotten into twinking (Apparently it seems I could've chosen a better time, heh) after a lengthy period of hating them :D. Found this site a great deal more useful than the others google spat out at me. And after a lengthy deliberation, decided to sign up. I have a level 29 undead rogue in the works (he's currently sitting at 1.4ish% into 29, which makes things tricky). I play on EU Chromaggus, character link:


Still a work in progress, like I said. Haven't even retalented up yet after 3.1 hit as I am really not sure what to do with him talent/glyph wise now that the backstab glyph is .. well, yeah. =\

Anyway; enough ramble, hey and such.
got into the addiction right after WotLK was released. dont remember why i dumped my extra gold into twinking a paladin to begin with, but i liked being consistently in the top 10 damage on the results screen and here i am now.

being pwnd by hunters in the bracket i have plans to do up my own huntard :)
Heyyzz there..

Its originaly Destructer still using his old Nick ( nunada)

I feel welcomed to the 29 bracket.

And i hope i will enjoy my stay.

I have a lvl 19 twink warrior. one of the best of my battlegroup.

But 19 twinking kinda died with 3.1.. for my opinion. still even i KNOW i`m one of the best @ 19 now.. its just not the same anymore:(

so i started lvling a lock. yes a lock:p

i dont know why or how.

But ive made a gnome( yes horible indead i nkow..) lock.


Pinkchaos ( you can think the haircolour yourself)

And as i speak she is lvl 24 and still farming for deadmans hand :D

have bout 40 runs done now. so within next 160 id have it i hope hehe=/

hardest part of my gear. after that i just need hotshot piloting hands. and a 9/9 pants, got a 9/8 pair now. already have some parts of my gear. jsut need to enchant it etc etc. having an int, and a sp gear. atleast thats what i`m going for hehe:p if anyone has any tips for gear. playstile. talent specs. or anything please tell me. everything is welcome. becouse i`m new to a lock, and to 29 bracket.

please tell me everything:)

Kind regards,

Hi 29ers!!!

Souvlaki is my main's name. He is a lvl 80 human lock. I've got 2 twinks which are both in the 29's.

Hoboken is my Blood Elf paladin. It is my main twink. I didn't plan to twink him, i just leveled him to check out the BElfs starting zone, and to try a paladin as i didn't have one at the time. At 19's i did my firsts BGs and liked the PvP playstyle, being able to heal, etc... It was then that i decided to bring him up as a twink for the 29's. It was very challenging making a horde twink being all my toons alliance. But making him a skinner/herbalist was good for the cashflow. And when profession buffs came in it was even nicer. With the introduction of DKs, i made a Horde one on my GFs account so i could farm him some BoP items i didn't have access before (still farming SM:L for the deadman's).

Pandapanda is my other twink, he's a Night Elf feral druid, but since patch 3.0 when feral charge was moved to being a 21 pointer i haven't played him much. Probably one day i'll make him a 49 Boomkin.

My main = my twink, atm.... Got into twinking roughly 1,5-2 years ago now. Started out with a 29 lock which I was leveling to become a new main, but for some reason it sticked around there for almost a year before I got dissatisfied enough with its gear and leveled it up to become a (perfect) 39 lock.

Though 39 was fun, the pure power of a lock made it boring to play and I missed the reckoning community of 29 to much so I made a new twink there, which is my current main project; a 29 resto druid.
Hi, I'm Lex. I've been lurking on these forums for a while, but thought it would be a good time to post.

I'm pretty new to twinking. I've been building/playing my rogue for a couple months now and I'm pretty addicted. Her name is Lxa (my real name is "Alexei") she's level 29 and getting pretty close to being complete. She still needs a Dead Man's Hand, an AGM, and I'm dropping skinning for herbalism. My roommate and a good friend of ours both have twinks and we've been helping each other out.

I recently finished the starting quests on Medivh for my DK (Lexikhan) and am trying to catch Drayner sometime and join the guild :) I've started rolling a new rogue (Lxa, back from the dead) to start with, but I'm not going to stop until I have a twink of every class :D

I really enjoy the challenge of learning the mechanics of a new class and twinking provides just that, without spending too much time leveling.
Kpasta here. Have had a lvl 19 twink for awhile that was gaining dust on the shelf until a RL friend decided he wanted to make a twink pally on my server. So now I am moving him up from the 19 bracket to the 29 bracket.

Hi from Darkspear-EU, port of Cruelty Battlegroup :)

My name's Kilda, I am GM of TbaggerZ; an active 29/39 twink guild.

I haven't been here on forums that long, but it's nice to see a more active community than my BG forum.

I have been twinking for about 2 years now, I currently have 5 twinks at 29, and 1 at 39. Our guild is doing well after 1.5 years, and still has many active 29ers, for premades and Arena too.

Nice to see plenty of other 29 enthusiasts, so a big hello from us here :cool:
Kilda said:
Hi from Darkspear-EU, port of Cruelty Battlegroup :)

My name's Kilda, I am GM of TbaggerZ; an active 29/39 twink guild.

I haven't been here on forums that long, but it's nice to see a more active community than my BG forum.

I have been twinking for about 2 years now, I currently have 5 twinks at 29, and 1 at 39. Our guild is doing well after 1.5 years, and still has many active 29ers, for premades and Arena too.

Nice to see plenty of other 29 enthusiasts, so a big hello from us here :cool:

Kilda you old sack of bones! Nice to see you here!

Love, Dawson
hi pls rate my 29 Hunter Twink

dont scared he ist only a dmg Twink i play all times with a heal pala :)

To do List : Farming Lifeboom ^^

Farming Fishing Mount

and Gnomeregan pens ( i dont know the right word sry :p )

Hunter : The World of Warcraft Armory

Pala : [char=eu-Lordaeron]Dargrim[/char]
Hello peepers. My main is a (29) BE lok on Nightfall bg, Altar of Storms realm, named 'Skotoseme'. Many years ago, I inadvertantly entered a WSG fiasco with a level 10 or 11 something-something, and emerged fully addicted to twink creation theory. I try to make all my little champions by myself, so a non-twink hunter with harvest skills is always my first toon on a server, lvl'd to about 40 before my first twink goes up. So basically, one can invite me to their server, I'll say hello with a lvl one hunturd, and in two or three weeks I'll say hello again with a nearly complete twink of whatever you told me to make. I tend to skip on the trinket and fishy stuff due to recent achievements added. My paladin's been at stv arena for about a year now :(, but there's no way I'm gonna skimp on my first pali. But anyhoo, Let me remark on the enjoyment I get from this site. Perhaps I've made up to 14 twinks (most 19) on an account that I haven't activated for quite a while, and I hadn't come upon Twinkinfo yet, but you fellers' here have given tremendous insight to the art and it's great not to feel so alone in the 29 bracket finally.

Manpipe, 19 Tauren war (meh)

Wingwang, 19 UD rogue (everyone has the leather twink at 19 :D)

<<<< Skotoseme, 29 BE lok (favorite, and terribly fun to play) >>>>

~Cheese touch,

Manpipe :eek:
Heey im Jonado played 19 twinks for over 3 years, time for a change lol im going to start a 29 twink any tips i would appreciate;)
Name is Glorethi on SWC. 29 Gnome Rogue. Played 29 bracket on and off since Oct 2008 and finally stopping in June 2009 after getting Master of WSG. I found 20-29 brackter after accidently leveling to 20 doing a trick or treat quest. I am glad I did though. Semi retired..hope to get back into it sometime in the future.
Hi there, I was a member of a twink guild named Notorious on Scryers, but 3.2 killed twinking on Scryers and in Retaliation. So, I'm going to re-roll both horde and alliance on Reckoning BG on Skywall and Windrunner. I'm going to re-roll because I'm too cheap and Blizz is not going to get another $25.00 from me.

Anyway, here are my toons that I've played with. Chili had over 12,000 kills before I re-rolled her.

The World of Warcraft Armory

The World of Warcraft Armory
Hey all, I finally stopped browsing twinkinfo and decided to participate. I've been twinking for quite a long time now in the 29 bracket. My first toon was Healsforu a 29 horde priest on Vindication(3yrs ago!:O). I ended up rerolling and joining <I ride a unicorn> on malygos which eventually has led me to where i am now.

I am now Coconutz a 29 holy pally on Reckoning. :) Look forward to chatting and keeping up on the bracket outside of wow forums.
rozey said:
Hey all, I finally stopped browsing twinkinfo and decided to participate. I've been twinking for quite a long time now in the 29 bracket. My first toon was Healsforu a 29 horde priest on Vindication(3yrs ago!:O). I ended up rerolling and joining <I ride a unicorn> on malygos which eventually has led me to where i am now.

I am now Coconutz a 29 holy pally on Reckoning. :) Look forward to chatting and keeping up on the bracket outside of wow forums.

Coco would like everyone to know she is lovable and huggable.

I would like everyone to know. I'm an a-hole.
Hello all, I'm a long timer. I've had a lot of twinks, with different names, classes and brackets over the years...Horde & Alliance. I've quit many times and I'm back again. I'm putting together a new 29 rogue & 29 paladin to add to my collection. I've got a playable 19 priest, 29 rogue, 29 warlock, 39 warrior, 49 rogue,49 warlock. I like this website and you seem to have a helpful community here. :) Thanks
I'm interested in rolling a 29...

But where (if at all) are 29s active?

Is there a link to a guild list etc.?

Would be extremely helpful to know if

there were still pops coming for 29s before

i rolled one haha

Thnx, Northrnlight
Northrlight said:
I'm interested in rolling a 29...

But where (if at all) are 29s active?

Is there a link to a guild list etc.?

Would be extremely helpful to know if

there were still pops coming for 29s before

i rolled one haha

Thnx, Northrnlight

You from EU or US?

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