Welcome 29s

Oknobpolisher said:
Yes! I look forward to you meeting my MM hunter as well. :)

Oknobpolisher said:
Gee whiz, and to think I didn't know that was your toon. ;)

Eh? You're probably mixing me up with some other baddie but yeah I have two 29 hunters, a 29 rogue, and a 29 warrior. Only one is geared though.
So based on the past couple responses to this thread this is the RP thread;

Greetings travelers - I am Buckdich! A Fury Warrior at your service. /bow

I like to use Thunder Clap very often to distract my opponents, and use Murkimus the Gladiator to periodically click on to make adorable sounds as he thrust his little spear into my victims' throats.



You will see me on an Orc Shaman named Killmaim from Eonar tonight - I will be late as always on Tuesday, around 11 PM EST. I just started him 2 days ago. ;)

My distracting macro will most likely have something to do with Frost Shock. We'll see.
Buckdich, like the rammstein song where he ejaculates on stage? nice.
Names skelzion, will be making a human prot warrior to twink at 29, not sure how well it will work but I'm pretty good at prot pvp from before cata so we will see what i can do

I have decided to make a 29 prot warrior! Can't wait to see you all in the Gulch!


Nice work so far, some tips

You need a little more hit, grab a http://www.wowhead.c...d-helm-of-valor and http://www.wowhead.c...of-raptor-teeth and http://www.wowhead.c...lashfire-collar

You only need 19 but getting all of those gives you some room to play around .

http://www.wowhead.c...he-agate-shield best stamina neck piece in the game, be sure to have 5 or more ready for fight night and don't forget to click it!

http://www.wowhead.com/item=34227 best in slot for stamina and the proc will save you over and over and over.

Arena grand master takes a while good luck with it!

It can be argued that the pvp boa shoulders are better than the tanking ones, its not a big enough difference to get worked up over but keep it in mind

http://www.wowhead.com/item=66004 is another almost upgrade from what you have, easy to get.

Charged gears will make you hate gnomer, I advise getting drunk before running gnomer.

Nice spec, just remember that blood and thunder is CC immunity for everyone you hit with it, but as a rogue detector and for keeping rogues from re stealthing it is invaluable.

Yes that's a long list, but you don't need all of it, you will do fine as is, but hit cap is important and it is not hard to get, so work on that first!

Hope to see you in the gulch soon.

Oh and if you want to play around building a plethora of suits here is a comprehensive list bis gear for 29's

Gearing up a 29 doesn't take a lot of effort, thankfully. An AGM can be the more frustrating part, and you already have that covered. Be aware that Warlocks aren't high-damage classes in 29s right now. They do well as a support class, and we do have a couple or warlocks that have fun with that. If you'll enjoy that, you'll find a place in 29s.

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