weight lifter

sure, lets see a pic until then ur just a fat poser

This feels gay as fuck how do you people take pictures of yourselves like this lol


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This feels gay as fuck how do you people take pictures of yourselves like this lol




first off, you are not fucking 6% body fat. somewhere between 12-15% is much more accurate

second, you're a fucking pussy so get out of here with this bashing weight lifters bullshit

third, why the fuck are you not wearing a belt? so poor
I said 6% I meant 6%

and lol you will say anything I'm sorry about ur face dude really sorry
I said 6% I meant 6%

and lol you will say anything I'm sorry about ur face dude really sorry

you are not 6% body fat, and you are making urself look like a clown by saying you are after posting that disgusting pic of your non-existent abs.

do yourself a favor and skip the bread at dinner tonight u fat fuck
Lol you're seeing a construction workers body not a body builder I don't need chiseled abs they serve no purpose
It's more productive than playing WoW.

^^most likely, for most of you players who have the same level cap success level @ all points in WoW that the other 99-100% of the world's other WoW subscribers have also had... if you're someone who was able to achieve great things & stand out on a top level competitivity threshold (twinks do not apply to this at all) against the other players @ level cap who managed to make it to that same threshold, then wow might have had more positive benefits & productivity to it.

such as the players who were the first guilds worldwide to down bosses that people weren't able to do, and had slow progression of (sunwell in BC might be the example, i was never a raider so wouldn't be able to say, only those competing for world 1sts in PvE would even be considered achieving anything ''stand out'' in PvE, everything else is average pmuch cuz pve = ez if ur not having to be the 1st one to make strategy for difficult shit)

An example is if you were the best or one of the best @ lvl cap in pvp, and didn't get there without contribution somehow [5v5/rbg-both known in top pvp community as the easiest ways to achieve shit as a bad player in PvP] the ability to manage things & competitiveness at that point, often carries over to make the person determined when it comes to other tasks too. this doesn't apply to 99.5% of WoW players, cuz its just what it is, many have 0 aspiration at any point to stand above the rest in terms of skill/mastering something...

but, i dont disagree, if you lift weights entirely to get ''big'' as some type of overcompensation for things you're insecure about but hide, THAT is silly...

lifting weights in general is not a bad thing though, theres a good portion of people who use working out heavily/lifting weights to the point that they get ''ripped'' to overcome their bad habits, like quitting cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, meth, etc.. doing things that make you happy & improving your intelligence to me beats having a working body that you must maintain to keep
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it was all fun till you posted a picture.. but now, meh. your body isnt shredded, it isnt bulked, its simply skinnyfat because you prolly dont do any kind of sports at all
i did a lot of bodybuilding when i played football in high school, but i felt more in shape when i did a lot of yoga. i think a mix of both would be optimal. or something like bodybuilding and swimming. to be really in shape you got to do something to stretch those muscles out, the down side is that you don't look as big. bodybuilding kind of just knots up your muscles so they look bigger. this is why shorter guys of the same of equal strength always look bigger than their taller counterparts (i met roudy roddy piper, a professional wrestler, and he was tiny, or at least a lot shorter than i thought he'd be).

i also feel like short limbs are kind of cheating on lifts, shorter arms=less leverage for weights to torque on (and less distance to travel)=easier lifts. basically what i'm saying is that a taller guy that looks the same proportions as a smaller dude, is going to be way stronger. but what do i know, i've been out of it for awhile. though i do feel if i got back in it i'd tear you all to shreds.
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If I wanted to get chiseled because I lack self esteem or I need a distraction from my ugly face when I look in the mirror I'd go to the gym for 30 days and work on it but I'd rather make money and play my twinks and shit.
Pumping Iron changed my life. God bless Arnold Schwarzenegger.
it was all fun till you posted a picture.. but now, meh. your body isnt shredded, it isnt bulked, its simply skinnyfat because you prolly dont do any kind of sports at all
He never even implied he is bulked or shredded.
playing wow teaches hand eye coordination, reading comprehension, some social skills, organization, planning, team work... the list goes on.

playing this game for like 8 years strait like a complete hermit youd think i'd be completely useless in the job world but in many ways im freakishly good at many jobs that i've had and i feel playing wow so much has to do with it entirely.

Lifting teaches you social skills, hand eye coordination, control, mind over matter... like what more do you want? Lifting makes you more attractive and you feel great. Only takes up a small portion of your day, I have time to play wow for hours so do many on this website, simply take a break for an hour and get fit.
He never even implied he is bulked or shredded.

he said he has 6% bodyfat, which is either shredded to the bones(the people on stage who take tons of roids dont have less than 5-6% bodyfat) or concentration camp survivor, both doesnt fit to his pic
he said he has 6% bodyfat, which is either shredded to the bones(the people on stage who take tons of roids dont have less than 5-6% bodyfat) or concentration camp survivor, both doesnt fit to his pic
people try to get to around 3% body fat, that's just to be shredded and to truly show your muscuals
Lol you're seeing a construction workers body not a body builder I don't need chiseled abs they serve no purpose

that's fine and all, but don't make a thread talking shit about people that are physically superior to you

learn ur place

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