Week 4 F2P Summer Premade Signup (June 29th, 8pm est)
Signups will occur every week on a specific/separate thread for said week (i.e. June 15th F2P 10v10 Premade Signups). Before you sign up we have a few requirements!
1. Skype is required to participate in the premades.
2. You need to be ready to queue from 8pm est-10pm est at bare minimal! We will be syncing queues to get the games. Time devotion will be necessary/expected out of players that wish to participate.
3. Signup Application on the signup thread for that specific week in the appropriate Format.
Format of Signup Application: Name of Character/Class/Server/Faction* (- Maximum of Two Alt Character/Class/Faction)
Those players that feel confident target calling add two pound symbol/hashtags after your signup! (##)
Example: Fearthybuns/Prot Warrior/Ursin/Alliance - Fearthebuns/Ele Shaman/Horde - Hoglordbuns/Rogue/Alliance
Your signup application WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED in any other Fashion. Organization and Collective Understanding will be key in maintaining this event!
The majority of signups will be selected on a first come first served basis. Understand that certain applications may be looked over to meet the rules and regulations of team composition. This is where providing alternate characters gives you an advantage to be selected!
Premade Rules
Rules are subject to change. A committee of players from various backgrounds have been selected to adjust rules.
No more than 2 of a class
No more than 1 hunter/rogue
No more than 3 healers
RBG style rules (No elixirs/potions/consumable buffs)
Standard food/water allowed (non buff)
Week 4 Premades! Sunday June 29th 8pm Est!
Streams will be available to those who would like to watch, and are highly encouraged to watch for players that have little to no premade experience. I will also Vod/Highlight the game for people to watch after the event! Twitch
AllianceNo more than 1 hunter/rogue
No more than 3 healers
RBG style rules (No elixirs/potions/consumable buffs)
Standard food/water allowed (non buff)
Week 4 Premades! Sunday June 29th 8pm Est!
Streams will be available to those who would like to watch, and are highly encouraged to watch for players that have little to no premade experience. I will also Vod/Highlight the game for people to watch after the event! Twitch
FC-Spewfeel/Prot War
Healer-Salt/R Druid
DPS-Onetimex/Prot Paly
Healer-Babyfat/R Druid
DPS-Blaztergirl/Arc Mage
DPS-Bop/Prot Paly
DPS-Mikeytott/Feral Druid
Lineups will be finalized as we finish confirmations with the players! If Conflicts arise after signups for any player committed playing during their week, please private message me on TI as soon as possible to notify me that you cannot play, giving us time to fill your spot!
If you cannot attend the premade, and do not get in contact with me 24 hours before the premade (I.E. Saturday 8pm est) you will not be allowed to be a part of the premades for two consecutive weeks. It is essential that if you cannot make it to the games that you private message me here on TwinkInfo to let me know you cannot make it for whatever reason.To go along with this, players that sign up for a specific week and are not selected will be placed under reserves list, having first "dibs" to open available premade spots on the day of!
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