Anybody have one that is good? for up to 4 or 5 weapons?
Fury/Ret or whatever else.
Fury/Ret or whatever else.
No idea why 5, but 4 weapons is reasonable. 4 crusader procs at once. Very rare but possible.idk why you'd wanna use 4 or 5 weps tho
No idea why 5, but 4 weapons is reasonable. 4 crusader procs at once. Very rare but possible.
To topic: I just use equipment manager to swap weapons.
Make several different equipment sets where the only difference is the weapon(s). Save them.
Then make a macro to switch to each equipment set.
/equipset Name of Set
I tried that before but I always get "you are too busy to do that" after I swap once... do you have the exact code?
this is not a problemSwapping gear triggers the GCD.
this is not a problem
I don't think /castsequence works for equipment manager. Still.. I bet u have empty bars since u posted in 20-29.