since a good amount of you that are upset are probably talking about me thought i'd post a lil something here, this entire post may seem pointless but whatever
I don't think we should be bashing each other for having opinions. seriously we're gonna play the "oh, you have an opposing opinion on the situation? you're a disgrace to twinking, you're 12, you're *insert generic as fuck insult*" yadayadayada opinions are like assholes why is anything that opposes your point of view automatically immature or childish? foh. that shits just as immature realize that not everyone is going agree with you and respect it
I don't want to sound self centered because I know I wasn't the only one featured on his stream but I feel as though the community is now split apart at war because one neckbeard wants to play 39s, and I partly feel that its my fault. seems like people I was cool with a week ago are trashing me now.
I can't speak for anyone but myself but I was "toxic" (lul) because I've been around Asmongold's fans, hell, I play on Kel'thuzad, I see it all. They think we have an over inflated ego lmao the only thing I can do to some of these fanboys is smh
I've been keeping up with this situation because I like to see what people have to say now that i'm somewhat involved. I was watching a youtube video last night in which Asmongold is playing a game of Arathi Basin. I'm sure a lot of you have seen that video but if you haven't let me just say the comment section is the definition of hypocrisy. "oh, twinks are skilless, oh twinks are all bad at the game, oh twinks are casuals, twinks are this twinks are that."
yet on that video majority of the comments are "oh, didn't use arcane blast once, Asmongolds terrible" or something along those lines. The irony is so rich its nuts. All these kids saying we have over inflated egos these 120s legit think they know everything about the game lmao arcane blast hasn't been useful at low lvls since Legion, please. that's just one example, i'm sure as more content is made more cringe "knowledge" will be dropped on us from these end game players. Which is exactly what I didn't want when I made the posts I did. I foresaw this exact thing happening and the ignorance is just annoying to me. I'm just happy to see a huge amount of the ppl haven't made xpoff accs yet
and to anyone said this was lost potential chance are Asmongold wouldn't have even gone on this site if Mcconnell didn't bring up the shit talk. also, low level pvp doesn't really have a spot in mainstream competitive video games fr why do yall seem to think that
whatever. this will all be a thing of the past in a month since his fanbase has ADHD istg. the ppl that have a new genuine interest to learn of the community and how twinks work will stay, the tards won't though. hell, I love the idea of new people joining the community, so long as they aren't like the stereotypical Asmon dickrider
also, if anyone from that stream is reading this, Asmon checked out my achievments to find a lack of current content achievments and such. chat was

ing away at me as they do. Please think for more than two seconds and realize there's a fatass chance I don't play endgame at all, which is the case, as is the case for most ppl here. achievments ≠ skill you rats
some of you now hate me, some of you have my back, whatever. opinions will be opinions there's no point getting our panties up in a knot over something that will be something we look back on as a stupid thing that happened come Christmas
p.s. this isn't an apology or anything along those lines I don't regret anything I said. this is more so those who care enough can get a little more insight into what my intentions and/or thought process were/was as my messages featured on the stream didn't exceed more than 20 words. I love the community and what I've made of myself here and I don't want the people I've familiarized myself with over the past year and a bit to all of a sudden hate me for something so stupid in hindsight. pce.