Waw Tawent looking for premades!

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Pizza u be dodging this question almost as you dodge premades vs me
ok im on REALLY good terms with pizza and i can conforim and also deny he was under the nasme blink of Blood lust rep!!

hopefully this soothes all u kids dyin for an aswer!
Hotbot said:
Shut up sax no one likes you :p pizza I'm buying a gift card today so I'll see how I go you big poof <3

I'm sure bro... I won't believe you until you're over on Bleeding Hollow.
Goma said:
Heya pizza how's the guild going?

Everything is excellent! Just wish there were more Alliance guilds.
Pizza said:
Everything is excellent! Just wish there were more Alliance guilds.

I remember when there was a good Alliance guild and you wouldn't play them. What were they called again?
DesH said:
I remember when there was a good Alliance guild and you wouldn't play them. What were they called again?

ur a little bitter cuz u lost to talent. u had ur chance and u blew it. its not like u would have won anyway.
Goma said:
ur a little bitter cuz u lost to talent. u had ur chance and u blew it. its not like u would have won anyway.

GoMATiNKER you make me sad. I never lost to them, they never play me!!!!
Looking for a premade on June 19th.
Looking for a premade on June 26th.
You know, still waiting. Whenever you guys are back from "vacation"
Lawlpurge said:
......And ONLY has ever played the most OP bullshit class from day one. Shame people think of Pizza when they think of 19s.

So true. If pizza is the god himself and you all claim him to be, well then pizza. Why not show us your leet skills on a gimped class. Ur so good and all. What would it matter what class u play....
augiddin said:
Should rename post Waw tawent looking for premades against bad team who give us no competition!

Gets my vote
I could get Revolution to Premade You guys but it's not very fun When Somebody on the other team decides to afk out of a premade when they Lose.
look at all the haterz lol. if you all feel the need to talk so much shit about WT, then do something about it so you have reason to talk trash.
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