Warscrub Gulch - XP on WSG post-5.1

1 - I'm not that stupid. I do infact get back into the game. only for a second or two and I get kicked. I am never out more than 30 seconds at most.

2 - I discovered one when I was trying to revive the cata method. Just at the time I could'nt care for logging out each cap.
I'll look into the kicking thing, but I don't think it's an issue with the addon as far as I can tell unless for some reason it won't supply the right information upon login, which wouldn't make much sense. Variables are cleared upon login.
I am using the older version of the addon. That may be the reason. I know you did a few tune ups.

EDIT: I have not used your tune up version as I have had lag issues and do not want the smaller kick box lol
Bump. Fixed up the site a bit, should be functioning once again.

Addon still works ofc.
Bumping real quick.

It seems this addon is still pretty popular. I got a message on Skype from someone saying my site was down. Fixed it and it's now back up. Shame I don't have a download counter running, but oh well. Site's back along with the download.
THis addon is better than God, we all appreciate what youve been doing!
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THis addon is better than God, we all appreciate what youve been doing!
I have actually not been able to test the addon myself since 5.2.

Has anyone verified that it still works in 5.3 and if it works in 5.4? If something is broken I'll get it fixed by next week when I renew.
I'm wondering, Whenever you get kicked from WSG, do you still get deserter even though using this addon with the logging off method ?

I might have missed the explaining part, then my bad sorry for that!

- Gizga
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I'm wondering, Whenever you get kicked from WSG, do you still get deserter even though using this addon with the logging off method ?

I might have missed the explaining part, then my bad sorry for that!

- Gizga
Yes you will
I just contacted the creator of this addon he told it is possible to avoid getting the deserter debuff,

Yes. The addon logs you out 30 seconds before the game ends if you haven't already been kicked by it.
---------r: If you wait 2 minutes, you can login and be kicked without XP/Deserter (since the game ended while you were offline)

Basically meaning, that you will not get deserter when your team did not capture a flag once and the time run's out, the addon will auto log off.
I just contacted the creator of this addon he told it is possible to avoid getting the deserter debuff,

Yes. The addon logs you out 30 seconds before the game ends if you haven't already been kicked by it.
---------r: If you wait 2 minutes, you can login and be kicked without XP/Deserter (since the game ended while you were offline)

Basically meaning, that you will not get deserter when your team did not capture a flag once and the time run's out, the addon will auto log off.
but wont you get exp then? Since your character in theory still was in the game
Hmm... He told me, you will be offline for the duration of the win xp bonus, and it wont affect your xp.
Might be. If this is true you could just log out yourself when some1 is about to cap/win, and log in like 3 min after :) Perhaps im gonna try it tonight
Might be. If this is true you could just log out yourself when some1 is about to cap/win, and log in like 3 min after :) Perhaps im gonna try it tonight
That is what the addon tries to do. If you're in combat and it can't log you out by the 55 second mark, it kicks you to avoid any casualties.

Basically, it checks to see if there's 40 seconds left. It tries to log you out every second until there's 5 seconds left, then attempts to kick you. The only time this will fail is if you lag for 5 seconds straight at the absolute end of the game, or if you reload your UI when the timer is below 2 minutes. But if you're lagging hard, it might fail to kick you when someone is capping anyway, so you shouldn't be doing XP BGs.
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anybody else has the same problem like me?
Is this a constant issue across all your characters? Have you tried with a different WoW client? Try different environments and report back with results so I can look into it.
I play with a german client. Does this maybe effect the addon?
That is most likely the issue. The addon does not have localization support. Can you add me on Skype (geokoder)? I'm interested in adding alternate language support for the next version, you could help me out if you're available later today.

edit: Yep, it's a localization issue. It kicks you because the bg you're in isn't exactly named "Warsong Gulch".
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