Warriors losing hamstring?

Okay thought so :p But they give shield slam which is amazing! But I know as arms you get sweeping strikes and Mortal strike, as fury PH and BT, but as prot do you know what we'll be gettin from our talent tree?
Oh ok yea I think it was riv (?) that told me that shield slam hits ....hard haha, and it seems like they are removing quite a few talents from defensive stance? but imo unless ur bout to die just go battle stance with shield cause u can still shield slam in any stance and also rend, thunderclap etc :)
Thunderclap doesn't hit very hard in beta, the talents get moved around fairly frequently so I wouldn't concentrate on what you will talent atm beyond what tree you will pick. Prot or arms for damage right now, we will see what happens as they move coeffecients around though, I remember hearing that most coeffecients are out of whack right now, with sader up and sufficient rage prot warriors can easily frontload ~1200 damage in beta currently. With execute arms warriors can do the same in the space of 3 seconds, prot only requires the time it takes to hit 2 keybinds. This is against mobs lvl 20-22 mind you, Im not testing abilities on critters.
Oh okay yea I'm just hopin Bloodthirst hits a bit harder cause I really am not that type of person who likes dealing with being kited haha
Execute hits like a feather though, at 30 rage (the max possible atm) it does about the same damage as HS which also has a 30 rage cost.
Yea I am definately leaning to prot I'm just worried bout me being kited like an idiot :p (Kinda like rogues haha)
Meh we will, played warr for a solid few years now so no-one could be as emo as me when talking about cata changes. But i guess we can only w8 and see how it goes; but i dont see myself playing it as much without any utility.

Is why im branching out to other twinks so i have more to play for :)
Yea warriors aren't gonna be dead you see rogues with ZERO utility and look at them everyone is rolling them haha...if your that worried just go fury you'll still do good dmg and I bet warriors will still rape the dmg :)
IF anyone has a 19 twink mage can you link me the armory? Nothign to do with this post, started makin a mage going for perferably high spellpower set, ty!
all you warriors worried I went to the cata talent calculator under cata.wowhead.com, and arms has a few nice utility talents, such as charge to give you an additional 10 rage and stun 2 nearby targets, and also you can put 1/2 that when you are immobalized restores 10 rage and 5% of your total health....not bad, plus im sure mortal strike wil hit like a truck

And also fury was what was expected, nice survivability, not as much burst

So just some uplifiting thoughts I hope haha
Kigatsuyaa said:
Yea warriors aren't gonna be dead you see rogues with ZERO utility and look at them everyone is rolling them haha...if your that worried just go fury you'll still do good dmg and I bet warriors will still rape the dmg :)

Rogue's don't have 0 utility, where you getting that from?

Rolling a NElf rogue for example gives you loads of possibilities. The amount of times you can reset if you want to, is incredible. It might be the hardest class to play due to the fact that it does rather quickly and is easily kited, but lack of things to do, they do not. LoS, gouge, restealth bandage ticks, sprints and evasions at right times, throwing daggers at LoS targets etc.

Rogues can be a real pain to be up against, but it has a pretty high skill-cap against most enemy players. Mages, Hunters, Warriors, Shamans. I'd say druid / rogue is bout 50/50. Rogue / Ret, depends on how good the rogue is, should be quite easy. Priest, Holy paladin & warlocks (depending on start) shouldn't be too much of a hassle. A good warlock will beat most rogues though, but then again, how many good warlocks are there truely?

Just my 10 cents, my 2 cents is free.

Kigatsuyaa said:
Wait rogues are getting poisons?

Yes, instant poison, 50 dmg on procc each wep.

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