Warriors losing hamstring?

Oh sorry heroic strike ^^ My bad

As prot what spells do you get?

I wanna say arms but without the utility it may drive me crazy
there really isnt any warrior utility anymore, SS isn't really a great way to dispel, you sacrifice a lot of damage for piercing howl. MS is still pretty great utility though, just no more disarms, interrupts, or spamstringing.
Yea I want to say go arms but atleast piercing howl has some utility haha...and maybe 2s may work but even then it seems like some slowing must be there haha so seems very complicated right now but I'd highly perfer NOT to remake a twink haha
You gotta be a troll! Btw a sprint every 2-3 mins doesn't go anywhere near compensating for the loss of hamstring. A nice racial yes but no substitute.
Me? Troll? Nope :) But yea Plobb is right it doesn't make up for it even though its nice! And btw I know its ally haha

I think the only VIABLE spec in keeping warriors alive is to go fury cause piercing howl is an amazing substitute for hamstring imo
And I think that cuncussion blow I think we may get that at 19 :p...although we lose that one spell that slams the target and dazes them :*(
You can swap to SnB as arms too >.>

I see fury as being a SnB spec that gears for stam and spec for survivability just so they can run around and spam piercing howl because it's damage is about half of arms and 1/3 of prot.
Yea I'ma try prot though cause it does tons of damage and tell me if I'm wrong, but we get cuncussion blow which is pretty hott :)
And I agree fury is just surviviability with that and the healing on BT...and I'm assuming BT doesn't do much dmg haha
We don't get Concussion Blow by 19 in Beta or Live. Prot in live though is (or certainly was when I last managed to use my twink) pretty decent. The World of Warcraft Armory - Nutrun @ Hellscream - Talents <- that's the spec I rolled. High damage on Rend and Thunder Clap means you can pretty much remove the annoying Heroic Strike with it's 'on next hit' system. Ofc though you'd still use HS as a rage dump. Due to 5/5 Shield Spec when you use Shield Block you gain insane amounts of rage allowing you to unleash massive damage with HS + Revenge and Disarm the opponent (only after Shield Block runs out though!).

If you want to use Prot more often it's probably worth investing in a 2nd Redbeard's Crest with a shield spike on it when you drop 70 hp or more and when using Shield Block.

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