
no doubt smourne is sexy...and it does have more str than whitefin. but it has less stam, dps (even counting the str->dps), damage, and 2ndary stats than whitefin. plus berserking vs landslide. not to mention its gonna take a lot longer to get smourne than farming throne a few times. but cant knock ya for wanting a legendary
Falkor said:
no doubt smourne is sexy...and it does have more str than whitefin. but it has less stam, dps (even counting the str->dps), damage, and 2ndary stats than whitefin. plus berserking vs landslide. not to mention its gonna take a lot longer to get smourne than farming throne a few times. but cant knock ya for wanting a legendary

Are you counting the static 270 str added with the proc? And I'll probably get the whitefin, but also farm for sm just for kicks. You don't have to be ALL BiS just to be competitive, after all. :Horde:
what is it...14 str = 1 dps? is that still the formula? if thats true than you work it out. i think from that comparison smourne has 52 str more (cant remember if thats counting gems or not), then figure in the proc, then base that off berserking ppm vs landslide. and go from there

and smourne does have a high proc rate, but it is by no means static.

sure you dont have to be BiS to be competitive, specially if you have a heal bot. so get smourne n wear it for shiz n epeen once you have it, just dont think its BiS or anything if its not. but whitefin is certainly easier to get
Certainly so. I'm actually thinking about making another 80 a twink, maybe a caster. No mages though. Any suggestions?
disc priest, shadow priest

resto sham, ele sham
Can be viable if you know how to play, takes most skill??

best 80 lock in eu leveled 85 thoe, dunno any good locks anymore.
locks suck dick even if #1worlde. so many absolute counters its a joke imo
Oliks said:
Locks are great for people who know how to play..

maybe in arena with an AMAZING partner......

in bgs you cant do crap if youre targeted, can only do ok if you're left alone in the bushes harassing people
Stunggix said:
I never have used and never will use slam in pvp, i just don't get used to it >< and u never get 3 lamb of slaughters anyway cuz u will kill target in 3 secs or uself die, also blood craze is just useless.

If ur engi, synapse shares cd with str use trinket thats why i used dragonling.

edit: jeego told me to use that neck tbh

Dont use slam in PVP... What the **** am I reading... Bro Slam can proc your Strikes of Opportunity so you use it to gib people... It's not a swing resetter, it's a swing delayer. So you set up an auto attack with swing time, use your stun, use your colossus smash, slam, auto attack, MS, overpower, then rofl cuz they're dead as shit with all the double procs you just got. I might have to show you how it's done on my warrior...
Falkor said:
maybe in arena with an AMAZING partner......

in bgs you cant do crap if youre targeted, can only do ok if you're left alone in the bushes harassing people

I've decided i'm staying with my warrior, gonna max out jp this weekend to get primo saronite. Only hard part is gonna be finding 25m runs with a healer to nuke the hell out of me for the infusion quests.. lol
Igotoparties said:
Dont use slam in PVP... What the **** am I reading... Bro Slam can proc your Strikes of Opportunity so you use it to gib people... It's not a swing resetter, it's a swing delayer. So you set up an auto attack with swing time, use your stun, use your colossus smash, slam, auto attack, MS, overpower, then rofl cuz they're dead as shit with all the double procs you just got. I might have to show you how it's done on my warrior...

chill out bro. slam is good by itself, you dont need it to proc SoO, thats a guaranteed proc anyways with cata gear mastery and/or reforging

Basedworld said:
I've decided i'm staying with my warrior, gonna max out jp this weekend to get primo saronite. Only hard part is gonna be finding 25m runs with a healer to nuke the hell out of me for the infusion quests.. lol

id get 4pc glad before getting saro unless you have cata pve gear for the meantime. or full 277s. i mean, you dont wanna pvp with no gear while going for smourne

infusions shouldnt need extra special healing, guess it depends on how many people are in the run, what lvl, and how many healers. unholy shouldnt be any special damage since youre in the abomb suit p1/2 then normal p3. blood you take a bit of dmg from gushing wound - but the hardest part about that is having people not dps so you actually have time to get out 3 bites. sindy just have a priest bubble you/a healer keep a close eye when you need to get breathed on, and again you will prolly have to slow dps to get 4 breaths on you
Igotoparties said:
Dont use slam in PVP... What the **** am I reading... Bro Slam can proc your Strikes of Opportunity so you use it to gib people... It's not a swing resetter, it's a swing delayer. So you set up an auto attack with swing time, use your stun, use your colossus smash, slam, auto attack, MS, overpower, then rofl cuz they're dead as shit with all the double procs you just got. I might have to show you how it's done on my warrior...

Idd, noboby pay attention to what stunggix has to say and lets keep this warrior post on topic:

pingaslol said:
Anyone has a good pvp rotation for Prot warr/Awarr if its not to much to ask

new question being Arms/Prot Rotation:


I'll try to put it in a rotation form but it's impossible to make a certain rotation due to PvP circumstances.

Rend --> Hamstring (If no hamstring on the target) --> Mortal Strike (If not at 3 lambs or if lambs has less than 4 seconds before it expires) --> Hamstring (If Improved hamstring isn't off cooldown) --> Throwdown --> Slam

You'll only want to overpower if you get below 15 rage

Like i said making a rotation is quite hard for PvP, basically you just want to make sure you can get into melee range of the target at all times while also keeping your Lambs to the Slaughter buff up, generally in a throwdown i like to use one set of my cooldowns and basically just spam slam with heroic strike inbetween each of the casts, if you're sitting at around 80+ rage you can use Inner Rage and Heroic Strike much more often, but be careful this doesn't drop you too low on rage as this will really effect the amount of slams you can do, Basically what you want to do is sit around on dummies for a bit and see how much your mortal strike hits compared to slams due to scaling, this cannot be decided straight away as people choose different gear sets to others, if Mortal Strike does more damage than Slam then you can rearrange the formula to this:

Hamstring (If no hamstring on the target) --> Mortal Strike (If not at 3 lambs or if lambs has less than 4 seconds before it expires) --> Hamstring (If Improved hamstring isn't off cooldown) --> Throwdown --> Mortal Strike --> Slam

Still using Heroic Strike inbetween casts depending on your current rage


CC lockdown rotation = Concussive Blow --> Pummel --> Shockwave --> Heroic Throw, given the formula to figure out DR's on Stuns/Silences it gives the following timers

CC Timer = Concussive Blow 00:00 to 00:05, Pummel 00:05 to 00:08, Shockwave 00:08 to 00:10, Heroic Throw 00:10 to 00:11.5

After the CC Lockdown rotation has been utilised with the perfect clipping these are the cooldowns that should be left on each spell:

Concussive Blow - 18.5 Seconds Remaining

Pummel - 3.5 Seconds Remaining

Shockwave - 13.5 Seconds Remaining

Heroic Throw - 28.5 Seconds Remaining

Following this up with either a Intercept or Charge stun immediatly isn't such a great idea, mainly because this will reset the timer for diminishing returns meaning you'll have to wait an additional 1.5 seconds to use Shockwave due to the timing as mentioned below Stuns are now 16.5 seconds away from resetting Diminishing Returns, This being said, you probably won't have the firepower to nuke down a target as you'll have blown all your cooldowns taking the target down in the first lockdown

Stuns: 16.5 seconds for diminishing returns to fade

Silences: 18 seconds for diminishing returns to fade

When the cooldowns become available you'll want to do this:

Wait til 00:28 as this is when the stun DR will be completely gone by now and use:

Shockwave 00:28 to 00:32, this brings the timer past 30 seconds meaning that Concussive blow will of just come off cooldown allowing you to use it straight away, Concussive Blow 00:30 to 00:32

Next you will want to pummel as the silence DR is off unless you used pummel as an interupt in the time between the first and second lockdown in which case you'll want to just use this pummel as an interupt as you will have Diminishing Returns on silence.

As for the burst rotation:

The most burst comes from Shield Slam with Shield Block Active

So i'd say the rotation durout the Stunlock would be:

Shield Slam with Shield Block --> Revenge --> Shield Slam with Sword and Board proc --> Devastate

You'll want to use all of your DPS cooldowns at the start of the rotation such as Deadly Calm so you can get more Heroic Strikes in as the amount of Heroic Strikes doesn't effect the amount of Revenges, Shield Blocks and Devastates if you have a melee on you due to the blocks coming from Shield block and the 15 rage per block talent.

The perfect proffesions for Protection PvP would be Alchemy and Engineering, this is because the 480 Strength tinker has a 1 minute cooldown, the same as Shield Block so you can use this every time you use Shield Block for more burst.

If you're an engineer you could also use your 16-20k absorb from your belt tinker to stop you getting jibbed while reckleness is active.

Things you want to take into account before you do protection PvP Burst:

-3 Sunder Armors on the target.

-Hamstring or other similar slowing effect to stop him outranging the second stun after the first silence.

-Shattering Throw debuff on the target if target is not a paladin as you'll want to save this for when he bubbles, similarly don't use it for it's cooldown is a mage. or has a paladin friend around him unless you have a priest around you.

-90+ rage so you don't instantly go out of rage as you process your rotation

-Using spell reflect while you do this burst is a great idea, one reason being any CC spell coming towards you will be reflected and you won't be stopped from doing your burst, more importantly the fact that a successful spell reflect gives you 60 rage, debatable whether using it before you start is a decent idea as you may not have the rage for it during your burst.

-be ready to stance dance for shield block shield slams, the extra 10% damage is nice, but be prepared to switch back to defensive straight away after you've done the first shield block shield slam so you can start using your revenge rotation, be aware that shield block is long enough so that you can get two shield block shield slams off so be ready to swap back into berserker stance near the end of shield block.

-If you have a paladin around let him know your burst is coming so he can freedom you

i could go on and on about things you want to do before you burst but i'm sure you know most of them

I have created what i like to call Best in Slot profiles for Protection PvP for Human and Non Human.

Human Protection PvP

Non-Human Protection PvP

the reason i chose Deathbringers Will for Human was due to the fact that the trinket is a proc i can use it while i also use my Engineering Gloves as On Use trinkets and the Engineering Glove tinker share a cooldown so that you can't activate them both at the same time, if the deathbringers will procs at the right time you can expect:

600 Strength from DBW and 480 from Engineering Glove tinker therefore granting a bonus 1080 Strength from just these two accessories.

The reason i only chose 15% resi as human and 20% resi as Non-Human is that you don't need to worry about surviving as much as Arms due to the fact that you always have a Sword and Shield out, having that much more armor all the time really helps mitigate damage from melee, i decided to choose Mastery as the stat after crit after hit and expertise caps were reached so that i would block more with shield block both up and down to provide me more rage.

Well, i hope this helps
Falkor said:
id get 4pc glad before getting saro unless you have cata pve gear for the meantime. or full 277s. i mean, you dont wanna pvp with no gear while going for smourne

infusions shouldnt need extra special healing, guess it depends on how many people are in the run, what lvl, and how many healers. unholy shouldnt be any special damage since youre in the abomb suit p1/2 then normal p3. blood you take a bit of dmg from gushing wound - but the hardest part about that is having people not dps so you actually have time to get out 3 bites. sindy just have a priest bubble you/a healer keep a close eye when you need to get breathed on, and again you will prolly have to slow dps to get 4 breaths on you

Sadly, I can't get wrathful gear at 70, so i'm just capping jp and honor for now, I'm guessing i'm going to have to pay for these runs, people arent too fond of twinks on my realm in the first place -.-
No rend - overpower- in pvp? o_O

I mostly Charge- hamstring (HS combo) rend and then MS (unless VS is up and im low on HP, then i start with dat)
ok idk if this was in the thread cause it was tl;dr

anyways cant u just run the cata trial and get bis cata gear??

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