Warrior Fury or Arms

Haven't played my warrior for a long time. Last I logged him I believe I was fury with dual mongoose.

Rumors have it that Arms is better now.

What do you guys prefer for doing the most killing?
nothing in fury is impressive ever since 3.1 and juggernaut.

prot is still fun, but again...no charge in combat is just plain lose!
Probably... Especially since you'd be taking 3/3 taste for blood which makes your overpower enabled just from rend ticks, your bleeds would be dealing less damage because they are based off your weapon damage and 2h have higher ave damage. Overall, you'd just be nerfing yourself, just snag up an executioner's cleaver and toss savagery on it or something. Hitting with MS with a 2-hander that has a 50% chance to crit and then almost instant overpowers will be dealing a lot more burst than dual-wielding as arms. Ask the 2 warriors at 49 though, I've only played warr in lower brackets, and old school 60.
*Edited* - Removed: Wasn't appropriate really.

God it HURTS to try to say something nice about her. If we're even talking about the same person... whos name I appear to have a memory block on.
Mangone said:
Would a dual wielding warrior spec'd with Juggernaut be a bad idea?

yes, terrible idea. MS will be hitting like a little girl, rend will tick for crap, and overpower will be weak as hell. might as well make a guild named <I Gimp Myself> b/c that's what u'd be doing!

oh and i think equally geared/skilled prot vs arms, arms would win. charge in combat FTW. sure prot has conc blow, last stand, and stuns from revenge...but an arms warrior can still shield wall/disarm/pop a shield on for 10sec of block.

would be a good match up imo.
Lol someone toss this persons name out I want to armory them. I made a chardev for prot, looks fun as hell, especially when conc got up to hitting for over 1k.
thats a pretty good armory, obviously more offensive prot than pure FC. for my prot set i get over 4.3k hp, but sacrifice AP and only have 661 unbuffed. even with that i still get over 1k+ revenges, SS, and conc. blows, with HS almost there too.

prot is definitely fun, i was mainly prot pre 3.1 with over 6k hp but now i'm an arms fanatic which brings back my roots of 49 warrior in vanilla. i might consider going back prot sometime though just for variety...could be a fun change of pace. i just hate how kiteable they are, and no incombat charge is ftl.
Did warbringer used to be accessible at 49 and they moved it down a bracket, or has it always been that way since they updated the trees in 3.0?
always been out of reach
Falkor said:
always been out of reach

Pity, that would be pretty imba though. As would crusader strike for pallies.
no more imba than juggernaut lol. if any1 of the specs needs mobility its prot anyways since no hamstring in defensive stance, and a large majority don't take piercing howl either. prot is the easiest spec to be kited in, especially since 3.1. arms has juggernaut, fury at least has imp. intercept again, but prot has jackspit to help.

prot warriors are still pretty sick when played offensively. conc blow, revenge stuns, shield slam..all of which will crit for well over 1k, and if u glyphed like me then free heroic strikes that can get 1k+ too. plus the added armor and mitigation of a shield. use of shield block, last stand, etc. definitely still a competitive spec imo.
Falkor said:
no more imba than juggernaut lol. if any1 of the specs needs mobility its prot anyways since no hamstring in defensive stance, and a large majority don't take piercing howl either. prot is the easiest spec to be kited in, especially since 3.1. arms has juggernaut, fury at least has imp. intercept again, but prot has jackspit to help.

prot warriors are still pretty sick when played offensively. conc blow, revenge stuns, shield slam..all of which will crit for well over 1k, and if u glyphed like me then free heroic strikes that can get 1k+ too. plus the added armor and mitigation of a shield. use of shield block, last stand, etc. definitely still a competitive spec imo.

Yeah I've wanted a 49 prot warrior since they've changed up the trees in 3.0 and I got like 3 shotted by one with conc blow, SS, and revenge or something. I was like gg that was pretty sick and OP. Props to people that play it though, I had no problem with it, it was actually pretty bad ass. Pain in the ass as a melee class to fight them though. I've always been a fury kind of guy personally. 2H fury at 60 back when that was BA. That warrior I played was a friend's though and he ended up giving it to a diff friend years later after having quit before BC got released. I was a lil pissed about that because I wanted it for myself to twink out at 60 and go titan's grip with GM claymores lol.
Falkor said:
no more imba than juggernaut lol. if any1 of the specs needs mobility its prot anyways since no hamstring in defensive stance, and a large majority don't take piercing howl either. prot is the easiest spec to be kited in, especially since 3.1. arms has juggernaut, fury at least has imp. intercept again, but prot has jackspit to help.

prot warriors are still pretty sick when played offensively. conc blow, revenge stuns, shield slam..all of which will crit for well over 1k, and if u glyphed like me then free heroic strikes that can get 1k+ too. plus the added armor and mitigation of a shield. use of shield block, last stand, etc. definitely still a competitive spec imo.
Competitive? More like the best spec for warriors. Warbringer is WAY more imba than Juggernaut. Juggernaut allows charge in combat. Warbringer does that, adds on snare removal and allows charge/intercept from any stance.
Alkaholic said:
Competitive? More like the best spec for warriors. Warbringer is WAY more imba than Juggernaut. Juggernaut allows charge in combat. Warbringer does that, adds on snare removal and allows charge/intercept from any stance.

Unfortunately it's just out of our reach :(
LOL well I feel real stupid everybody. I haven't played my warrior for quite some time and couldn't even find the server he was on.

But after searching harder I found him and he is only 39, not 49.


Sorry for the confusion I'll move to the other forum

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