Warrior Advice

Daenei start with the highest base str and if you gear for ap then that racial will tick for way more than the 120 health you get from agm. Mine totals at a 550 heal on my hunter (who is an ap hunter) and he only has 304 ap... warriors usually get higher... and if you pop that bad boi during a crusader proc... damn.

Yes what an awesome defensive ability right?
It scales to AP. Defensive players stack ap nao?

I am not really following you, yes its more effective for more offensively geared warriors, it does still fit better in more defensive play style tho.

What I consider as ap warrior is for example someone who always plays with a heal bot and thus needs to concentrate less on survivability. For that kind of warrior I consider humans to be the best race.
Theme said:
I am not really following you, yes its more effective for more offensively geared warriors, it does still fit better in more defensive play style tho.

What I consider as ap warrior is for example someone who always plays with a heal bot and thus needs to concentrate less on survivability. For that kind of warrior I consider humans to be the best race.
If you're talking about premade style then yeah I agree with you kind of but even so if you've ever been a warrior in a premade (which I actually haven't but I play D a lot and see this happen) then you should know that generally its like you and one other person on thier FC if they have any kind of defense at all. If you were in this kind of situation would you rather have a heal till your priest gets to you or have a 2 minute trinket on an already stringed fc and have a 2nd agm which should already be replaced by a recombabulator.
If you're talking about premade style then yeah I agree with you kind of but even so if you've ever been a warrior in a premade (which I actually haven't but I play D a lot and see this happen) then you should know that generally its like you and one other person on thier FC if they have any kind of defense at all. If you were in this kind of situation would you rather have a heal till your priest gets to you or have a 2 minute trinket on an already stringed fc and have a 2nd agm which should already be replaced by a recombabulator.

Yes I have been on that kind of premade, as ap warrior in offense. And I was talking more about the play style generally not any single situation (single situations like this are plain stupid. Would you like to be draenei or human when in 2v2 game an enemy priest is next to you with 20 hp and fears you 3min after youve trinketed last time?). Premades Ive played have all been "non-consumable" so I wouldnt have engineering at all in the first place. I would rather have 2min trinket and that extra 12sta than that one hot every 2 minute also. Same goes for arena with priest/druid for example.
Human is ALWAYS the best choice
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner


i will always try to have every viable gear choice possible, but these are the additional things i would have anyway:

BDA - 4 stats

CB - fiery

Glacial - fiery or crusader

Nimble - 15agi

Second AGM

Trodders - 7stam

Second Crest/of Blocking - Spike

Fang gloves - 15agi

Fang legs (chest + gloves + legs = 3setboni)

Fang belt

Trodders/Silver linked - 5hit (nimble + 3setboni + hitcap)

Human is nice, but the most things happen to a warry is snares...havin 2 breakz iz naiz!

Goin for prot build with resonating power glyph grants you a 11rage thunder clap AE with 30% more dmg and 15% more crit....yehaw.

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