[Warning!] Twink Leveling Exploit

Piss off twinks - MMOwned - World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides

I've known about this for a long time, but for some reason it never occurred to me that it could potentially be abused until today. I've been racking my brain lately trying to find things to contribute to mmowned, and I think I've finally thought of a really good one.

A couple months ago a twink made a long farewell post on the bg forums about how they were quitting because they got xp in a bg, and dinged their 49 twink to 50. It seems that if an enemy uses a lightwell and it runs out while you're around, you get xp.

Basically, if you're a priest lvl 49+ and some twink in gy camping you, tell the people in the bg the plan, and use lightwell right when you spawn and use it all up.

You could also strategically plant one in your FR, and use every charge but one, then use the last one right when a twink comes around.

Rinse and repeat till they ding, and make an emo farewell post before they /wrist irl.

It would be fun to ding some of those douchebag 59 dk's. It might actually make the bracket playable again =)


Side note: I have not tested this myself.
That's pretty ghey, thanks for the info. I'll be sure to look out for this in bgs. Not too big of a deal though, been thinking about taking my pally to 60 anyway.
its been around for a bit

however, its not a huge problem, run from lightwells and if your really nervous about them make a macro to leave the bg
Lol well I have a big enough buffer, still annoying nonetheless if I ever wanted to go and do something else like explorer title or some crap. I have yet to see a LW in bgs though.
It's not so dangerous to worry about, c'mon now.

You get like 0.5% of your level IF you meet a SMART priest which HATES twinks and you COULDN'T run away from Lightwell.
I thought MMOwned was hit with a CnD from Blizzard?
Juke said:
I thought MMOwned was hit with a CnD from Blizzard?

CnD = Cease and Desist amirite?

And when did this happen?
Duckhunt said:
It all went down hill when they changed the lay out to a stupid panda. :(

That's not what I meant lol, I mean people that go around sharing how to hack people's accounts on that site need to die.
Rapt0R said:
If you have brains you will be never hacked.

Agreed, but there's still like the .01% chance that it could happen.
Maerduk said:
Agreed, but there's still like the .01% chance that it could happen.

And what information do you base this off of?

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