[Warning!] Twink Leveling Exploit

Rapt0R said:
If you have brains you will be never hacked.

What's that have to do with it, does that make it justifiable? In my opinion, people who go on that site to share "the kewlest new sploits" are just bads who can't play without cheating, or hackers.
iaccidentallytwink said:
And what information do you base this off of?

None, just tossing it out there, most people get hacked because of 3rd party program usage, insecure sites, gold buying, poor passwords, sharing accounts, sharing passwords, using the same password for everything, sharing the same e-mail linked with your account on insecure websites. If you don't do any of those above things you have a much better chance of not getting hacked, anything beyond that is probably the hacker being damn good and lucky. I dunno what kind of exploits for hacks they were sharing on mmowned though.
Maerduk said:
None, just tossing it out there, most people get hacked because of 3rd party program usage, insecure sites, gold buying, poor passwords, sharing accounts, sharing passwords, using the same password for everything, sharing the same e-mail linked with your account on insecure websites.

That clearly shows the one that does it haven't got a lot of brain inside his head. p:

Rapt0R said:

That clearly shows the one that does it haven't got a lot of brain inside his head. p:

Lol yeah that's what I was trying to say >.>
CnD = Cease and Desist amirite?


And when did this happen?

pretty sure there was a news bit a while ago about it..

I tried to dig it up this afternoon to no avail

I could've sworn there was blue text condemning that place
Rapt0R said:

That clearly shows the one that does it haven't got a lot of brain inside his head. p:

lolyes. This.
If they're GY camping, I support doing this in an attempt to use the only method available to remove assholes from the BG :p

Otherwise this is a terrible and cruel thing to use as a general anti-twink weapon. When playing my twink, I want to run into good, enemy twinks. Why reduce the amount of competition anyway?
fuzzles said:
If they're GY camping, I support doing this in an attempt to use the only method available to remove assholes from the BG :p

Otherwise this is a terrible and cruel thing to use as a general anti-twink weapon. When playing my twink, I want to run into good, enemy twinks. Why reduce the amount of competition anyway?

It was mostly people from mmowned proposing to do this because they enjoy causing problems for other players and being dicks in general. Probably bitter about twinks as well.
This idea would be great against DK and pallies at 59. That would be pretty hilarious to ding them.
if i have a lv 40 toon and i know a friend in my battlegroup, could i get him to powerlvl me like this? :p
You could level from it but I think it would be faster to just go out and quest and grind for lvls.

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