
The only lock good locks I know in this bracket are salfir and Bizr. I still have trouble beating them on my ret pally.

Either your ret isn't geared or you're doing it wrong. Locks have zero chance against ret, assuming equal gear and competency.
Not the worst ret I've ever seen, and while I won't critique every little thing I'd change, there are two huge problems, and they are both the reason you're a suboptimal ret. First, Pursuit of Justice - Spell - World of Warcraft get it. Respec right now. That's the reason you can't catch up to them. Second, that weapon is 100% useless. Get an axe. BoA is BiS, but either the Stocks or BFD axe are a close second. Yes, really. Your damage will drastically increase by using the correct weapon.
Either your ret isn't geared or you're doing it wrong. Locks have zero chance against ret, assuming equal gear and competency.

I've got to disagree - I think I only have 'zero chance' against a skilled belf retadin.

For all of those without a silence, you just need to get a fear off before they get in HoJ range, or trinket immediately out of HoJ into fear. get dots rolling and get distance. Keep your distance with fear and attempt to preemptively fear their FoL. Time some burst with your BoD tick and hope it kills them. If not, rinse and repeat...

Though I'll give you that a very defensive retadin will give warlocks a rough time.
A lock with the efc or just anyone I'm targeting can be more annoying then any healer assuming the efc can withstand my initial burst. Ran a bg earlier with blizr in it and never knew how fast fear spam was.. could barely attack efc and by the time dm took place and I couldn't get feared I was at like 200 hp :/ not fun
A lock with the efc or just anyone I'm targeting can be more annoying then any healer assuming the efc can withstand my initial burst. Ran a bg earlier with blizr in it and never knew how fast fear spam was.. could barely attack efc and by the time dm took place and I couldn't get feared I was at like 200 hp :/ not fun

I've got to disagree - I think I only have 'zero chance' against a skilled belf retadin.

For all of those without a silence, you just need to get a fear off before they get in HoJ range, or trinket immediately out of HoJ into fear. get dots rolling and get distance. Keep your distance with fear and attempt to preemptively fear their FoL. Time some burst with your BoD tick and hope it kills them. If not, rinse and repeat...

Though I'll give you that a very defensive retadin will give warlocks a rough time.

Never heard of diminishing returns? I said equal competency and gear. Not some random undergeared and poorly specced junk. Locks simply don't have the DPS to out damage their heals. Even if you manage to keep out of range, all your fear spam will do is fill up their holy power. Then you die on stunlock after a minute, assuming you live that long, which I don't.

Hoping isn't going to get you anywhere.
Hmmm this is a nice thread to see after the general vibe being that locks were so underpowered don't even bother. I guess the real damage starts when they get the boas? I have yet to meet a lock that gave me any trouble that I can remember(besides one fear spamming in tunnel once. Most annoying 3 minutes of my life), but Ill definitely look out for those names. This is making me want to roll one, now. :)

Lock is actually the only class I haven't tried yet both on my f2p and when I used to p2p. Partially because I dont like casters much and, sadly, I couldn't stand to look at any of the lock pets. They're all so uglyyyy.
Hmmm this is a nice thread to see after the general vibe being that locks were so underpowered don't even bother. I guess the real damage starts when they get the boas? I have yet to meet a lock that gave me any trouble that I can remember(besides one fear spamming in tunnel once. Most annoying 3 minutes of my life), but Ill definitely look out for those names. This is making me want to roll one, now. :)

Lock is actually the only class I haven't tried yet both on my f2p and when I used to p2p. Partially because I dont like casters much and, sadly, I couldn't stand to look at any of the lock pets. They're all so uglyyyy.

locks are fine damage wise, however their main purpose is to be like a supporter dishing out heaps of cc and applying pressure on healers via dotting everyone within 40yds.
My lock is getting there, just missing a few pieces of gear. Still need AGM and proffs though. :)
kill the lock pet first in 2 hits and watch them die faster than you can mash your DPS button in time to killsteal

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