Wargames 24s?


Title says it, any 24s up for Wargames, my twink is horde and I play resto shaman, add Rhymil#2974 if you are up for it!
JakTour#2925 resto/balance/feral druid, enhance/ele/resto shaman and fire/arcane mage :)
Hayho I would be happy when i could get a few more english spanish and french contacts, german horde dont play that long a day :( and its quite funny to play with the english horde :)
We had some wsg games going, with a group of 24's, last night, was nice, would be nicer if some alliance would queue aswell :)
Tyler#2402 shadow/disc priest - gearing resto/elemental sham - lvling balance druid and making a fire mage all 24s LF bgs! horde side
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I'll also be up for some games.

Got a priest and a rogue, neither of which are BiS but still ok geared, on Outland EU.
Will edit with tag when im home from work :)

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