U can use the items inside the warbank... (crafts and move around) u simply cannot take them out or put 'em in. That's the weird thing. And u cannot withdraw nor deposit gold...
On top of That > they 've just added another "shadowland skip"... now u can skip 1) the intro 2) the 1st chain and go straight to Covenant choice (u can basically skip before the quest to open portals basically the 1st quest after the skip) and UNLOCK wquests in all 1-60 zones.. items from wquests (shadowlands) still keep their lvl req (50) but u can get the trasmo if u miss, u can access the covenant area, u can put anima in the Sanctum but u cannot activate anything cos it requires lvl 60 (at least with Night Fae the only 1 i tried). I have the impression that a couple of rares got scaled down as flexible rather than lvl 50-60 but i could be wrong.
Now technically, with some patience and a lot of wquests u can raise rep to any covenant... U won't have the gold to buy anything but... I guess u can unlock some secrets/rares around with specific covenants (not tried).
Not sure if u can use the 2nd skip if u're into the main Bastion Campaign... I skipped on a fresh lvl 20 char > shadowland timeline > just for those few back/rings/ammies/wpns rares.
On top of That > they 've just added another "shadowland skip"... now u can skip 1) the intro 2) the 1st chain and go straight to Covenant choice (u can basically skip before the quest to open portals basically the 1st quest after the skip) and UNLOCK wquests in all 1-60 zones.. items from wquests (shadowlands) still keep their lvl req (50) but u can get the trasmo if u miss, u can access the covenant area, u can put anima in the Sanctum but u cannot activate anything cos it requires lvl 60 (at least with Night Fae the only 1 i tried). I have the impression that a couple of rares got scaled down as flexible rather than lvl 50-60 but i could be wrong.
Now technically, with some patience and a lot of wquests u can raise rep to any covenant... U won't have the gold to buy anything but... I guess u can unlock some secrets/rares around with specific covenants (not tried).
Not sure if u can use the 2nd skip if u're into the main Bastion Campaign... I skipped on a fresh lvl 20 char > shadowland timeline > just for those few back/rings/ammies/wpns rares.