Want to see ALL geared 80's armory!

chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

Level 80 shaman with 2 pieces of level 70 dungeon gear for the chain lightning set bonus. Zapping 5 targets his dps is over 250k.
With the 5.2 change to have chain lightning hit equally against all targets, the 17% reduction in loss becomes a 17% stacking increase. It hits the second target for 117%, 3rd for 136% 4th for 160% and the 5th target for 187% of the first target. Lots of fun, but not super useful. Its also easy enough to just switch out the 2 pieces of Tidefury for 308s on single target fights.
Ele shaman gets 253% damage crits, and the set bonus doesn't apply to the mastery proc copy of the spell. Mastery definitely isn't bad, and it is somewhat a matter of opinion if it is favorable. Mastery is better in single target dps. The best option is probably to balance the stats so that with windsong procs active it isn't pushing crit or mastery past 100% as that is a waste. I think the big reason crit is said to be bad for shaman is it not providing any benefit with lava burst. When the rotation is pure chain lightning this doesn't apply.
Seems so. If that's the case, why not use the 54 crit meta rather than the int one? Seems like you've ignored int everywhere else in favor of it.

And the meta crit % actually gets benefit from the x2 damage of crits, so it's (usually) 6%, not 3%. Has been so for quite a while.
Well the reason I didn't use that one is because I couldn't get a hold of one of the 54 crit metas when I was trying to assemble my gear. So I didn't think of it.

I think you are right. I averaged a bunch more hits and I got 259.3%. It is definitely higher then just 3% or even 6%, and I guess it is probably 257.5%
(I had only used a couple and got a number like 2.537 the first time so I thought it was 253%)

This is odd, now I used the (min+max)/2 method from the min and max values of the crit hits (without any active procs of course) and compared that to the tooltip for the non crit value and I still got a value of 258.95% which I am very confident is accurate, but this is bigger then my math says it should be.
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