Want to see ALL geared 80's armory!

Well the reason I didn't use that one is because I couldn't get a hold of one of the 54 crit metas when I was trying to assemble my gear. So I didn't think of it.

I think you are right. I averaged a bunch more hits and I got 259.3%. It is definitely higher then just 3% or even 6%, and I guess it is probably 257.5%
(I had only used a couple and got a number like 2.537 the first time so I thought it was 253%)

This is odd, now I used the (min+max)/2 method from the min and max values of the crit hits (without any active procs of course) and compared that to the tooltip for the non crit value and I still got a value of 258.95% which I am very confident is accurate, but this is bigger then my math says it should be.

Chances are it'll average at 6%*1.5 (for 50% extra), so around 9%. But numbers is numbers.
Yippeekijay @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft Is my twink pally. Only things left to do to him is enchant boots with +32 AP and get a new cloak, Eagle Ray Cloak, which will have +65 crit on it. Everything else will remain same. Going to start working on HLK25 again now that im motivated by Splosion :D

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