Video: Lincoln Log Crutch

Now that this vid was posted, I see 2-3 people practicing it each game. A few FC Ive teamed with use it too. Thanks :p
Honestly most of these things in these "jump videos" are exploits. It's the collision system bugging out allowing you to land on a single protruding vertex on an ADT. Use them if you like but they are all technically exploits.
Hamcake said:
Honestly most of these things in these "jump videos" are exploits. It's the collision system bugging out allowing you to land on a single protruding vertex on an ADT. Use them if you like but they are all technically exploits.

but if you don't know them you are just going to get juked/ out manueverd by a fc who does know them
I have to agree with what Pizza said about how I enjoy the old way bgs were played without any of this crap. I know Ruin has embrassed people who know all their jumps and such, but I still believe the best BG is to leave all of that out. They are really all unintended exploits to me and im not afraid to say that at all.
ninedash said:
but if you don't know them you are just going to get juked/ out manueverd by a fc who does know them

Yes, can't argue that. But what if the other team is bitter and reports you for it, and a GM happens to catch you doing it?

It's all a bit grey.
For the most part people just bitch about jumps on the forums on my bg, and after playing with/against bone a bunch, if someone was going to get reported, it would've been him.

Just wait the allys will QQ to GM's and they will patch the jumps. - Alll of them. And then they will QQ more.
tsk tsk crusade, why weren't you auto-hitting him as he ran?

Diiesel said:
i wouldnt complain

This. Im fine with jumps, and I can even do a few of them. The only thing I dont like is that, on Rampage, jumps are/were semi rare. There just wasnt a lot of focus on them. But then I rerolled on Ruin, and you have droods and their healers doing nothing BUT huge fucking jumps up and across everything :(
just learn all the jumps, and use them - until they get patched. It's certainly not a bannable exploit to jump up the gy. But this - i can see a problem with, cause of the whole LoS thing. Who'll get patched now that its known about (hopefully), but learn it and be ready to do it if you get an fc that does it.
See, I feel the same way as some of the above posters. When I played in Vindi (2 years) and Bloodlust (1 year) Nobody really bothered with the jumps, and to be honest, it made it more fun. It wouldnt be a bunch of running, It would be all about defense. Most every premade squad ran a 5 man O and a 5 man D.

Now that I have moved to Ruin, there is so much focus on jumps and not on actual gameplay. So much focus on jumps in fact, you spend all your time chasing the running Fc's when your on O and very little time fighting. It leads to very boring fights in my opinion.

I really hope most of these jumps are taken out so we can go back to just playing skillful Bgs.
Diiesel said:
See, I feel the same way as some of the above posters. When I played in Vindi (2 years) and Bloodlust (1 year) Nobody really bothered with the jumps, and to be honest, it made it more fun. It wouldnt be a bunch of running, It would be all about defense. Most every premade squad ran a 5 man O and a 5 man D.

Now that I have moved to Ruin, there is so much focus on jumps and not on actual gameplay. So much focus on jumps in fact, you spend all your time chasing the running Fc's when your on O and very little time fighting. It leads to very boring fights in my opinion.

I really hope most of these jumps are taken out so we can go back to just playing skillful Bgs.

I agree, the jumps make the game a lot less fun. especially when half your team is wasting time trying to practice them instead of actually playing.
sigh, its level 19, its simple enough as it is, at least jumps are something else to make it a bit more interesting.

play to win
Quara said:
tsk tsk crusade, why weren't you auto-hitting him as he ran?


There was a reason, next time we're on vent I'll fill you in. BTW you goin to finish that priest er wut? :)
crusade said:
There was a reason, next time we're on vent I'll fill you in. BTW you goin to finish that priest er wut? :)

I need to talk to y'all about that. Short version is: I'd love to, but at the moment I don't know if I'll be able to stay on top of things. I've gone on WoW twice in the last two weeks, and now summer's about to end.

Sorry for not bein' around - I'll try and hop in vent and talk things over!

but anyway i don't play with bads who don't autoattack! :p
Quara said:
I need to talk to y'all about that. Short version is: I'd love to, but at the moment I don't know if I'll be able to stay on top of things. I've gone on WoW twice in the last two weeks, and now summer's about to end.

Sorry for not bein' around - I'll try and hop in vent and talk things over!

but anyway i don't play with bads who don't autoattack! :p

Nah it's all good, we have like literally nine priests now on the horde side and I think one more is transfering over, was just curious what happened.

You know I'm a lover not a fighter, except when i'm druink. ...hic :D
Ramune said:
I agree, the jumps make the game a lot less fun. especially when half your team is wasting time trying to practice them instead of actually playing.

if they take them out that wouldnt be a problem now would it

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