Viciously Delicious vs. Underground (6/22/2013)

Assuming this is Darf:

What I meant by "Not even Darfs" was I found it odd you didn't ask Elliot if he was sacing or who he was sacing (which could spring the question from Elliot as to what Sac is and its' importance)

I did not mean for it to be interpreted as me calling you (Darfs) out on not sacing as I have played with you and know that you do indeed Sac.

On the end of the game, it would have been preferable to go back into the hordes base rather than into mid. Not only can choke points be utilized but there is vast amounts of LoS that can be used rather than letting Boomkins and Ele Shams freecast into the FC and making CCing healers or players of interest a cakewalk (ezpz). I understand that there might have been a reasoning as to why you chose to go into mid, but I assure you that there were and are better alternatives.

Although it may have worked for you in this game -- and yes you did manage to squeak out a victory -- It may not work for you again in the future. Please do not say that you had it in the bag, I guarantee that the vast majority of the good players left in this bracket will attest to what I have stated. That victory was won by just a hair, nothing more.
I agree with that. We should have gone back into the base. In fact, on the vent recording you clearly hear someone mention we should go into the base, but someone else quickly says not to. :\

Anyways, thanks for the advice it is indeed important for me to receive criticism so I can improve. I wasn't expecting this thread to be about me though, it wasn't intended to be that way.
Even though I agree with Dervington on many things he pointed out about Eliot's play, which I also noticed, they were good games none the less and shows that this bracket still has life in it.

Hope to finish my FC set soon and get in on some of these games :)
Assuming this is Darf:

What I meant by "Not even Darfs" was I found it odd you didn't ask Elliot if he was sacing or who he was sacing (which could spring the question from Elliot as to what Sac is and its' importance)

I did not mean for it to be interpreted as me calling you (Darfs) out on not sacing as I have played with you and know that you do indeed Sac.

On the end of the game, it would have been preferable to go back into the hordes base rather than into mid. Not only can choke points be utilized but there is vast amounts of LoS that can be used rather than letting Boomkins and Ele Shams freecast into the FC and making CCing healers or players of interest a cakewalk (ezpz). I understand that there might have been a reasoning as to why you chose to go into mid, but I assure you that there were and are better alternatives.

Although it may have worked for you in this game -- and yes you did manage to squeak out a victory -- It may not work for you again in the future. Please do not say that you had it in the bag, I guarantee that the vast majority of the good players left in this bracket will attest to what I have stated. That victory was won by just a hair, nothing more.

Earlier in the day I did in fact tell Eliot about the sac as he saw me using it when I dueled him. Maybe his pet was in a different spec. He doesn't have much knowledge in hunters seeing as how he just got one. I thought he played well for being new to the class.

Most of your points are very valid and I'd have to agree. But you didn't hear our communication. We only decided to drop because we saw 8/10 VD players going up ramp. We figured our monk/a few others could haul ass across mid and not get caught. This would have happened but our monk didnt drop GY fast enough. As you can see in the video he stayed up too too long. If he had dropped sooner it wouldn't have been that close.
The fact that you're trying to diminish it tells me exactly how relevant you think the win is.

Or perhaps I am more concerned with subpar play and decision making bearing the fruits of victory and the high chance of perpetual stagnation of players skill because they feel that they have reached a point of "skill" that is enough to grant wins.

The win still remains irrelevant to me, and the points I made.
A problem exists. The problem continues to exist either through ignorance or ignoring it.

Hopefully the person is just ignorant to it as this is much easier to deal with.

One of the only ways to insure acknowledgement of a problem has been reached is by stating it.

The only way for someone to get better is to realize the existence of a problem and to figure out a way to remedy it.

I do not particularly enjoy commenting on how "bad" someone's play is, although I do it quite frequently. It irritates me to watch people who have been playing for such a long period of time stagnate and cease to improve at already subpar standards especially when they are held as "figureheads" of the bracket. It only puts less than adequate play on a pedestal which further perpetuates the average individual skill level of players in this bracket as their perception of "Great" is vastly lower than it should be. This is something that I find very concerning and although it may come across as egotistical remarks, I assure you that it is constructed very logically and for good reason.

Stop trying to defend people from pain, pain is a part of life and it is very important to learn how to deal with it constructively. Whether you realize and/or are willing to admit it, the only one's being hurt by your indirect actions, are them.

What am I even reading? 20 people played a game together, and had a blast doing it. While giving constructive criticism is one thing (which I believe was intended in your first post), talking about "standards" and pretending like anything in this thread is leading to "less than adequate play" is a joke, and leads me to believe that your "very logically" constructed remarks are actually lacking any logic at all.

People learn new things every day. Maybe you can learn to bite your tongue today.

1) Act like an asshole
2) Pretend to be the better man
3) ???
4) Profit
2 teams actually premaded, twice.
Who cares what they did right or wrong.

They seemed to have had fun.

It's a shame that everyone is expected to be a gladiator in the uber world of 19 twinking.

Congrats to both teams for actually having the balls to play without worrying about their epeen.
2 teams actually premaded, twice.
Who cares what they did right or wrong.

They seemed to have had fun.

It's a shame that everyone is expected to be a gladiator in the uber world of 19 twinking.

Congrats to both teams for actually having the balls to play without worrying about their epeen.

You da best, my thoughts completely.
talking about "standards" and pretending like anything in this thread is leading to "less than adequate play" is a joke

People learn new things every day. Maybe you can learn to bite your tongue today.

1) Act like an asshole
2) Pretend to be the better man
3) ???
4) Profit

If I hadn't said anything about the discrepancies in playstyle it is very likely some newer, innocently ignorant player could watch this video and with the lack diverse content uphold this playstyle as the "right way" to play, when it is clearly not. A somewhat comparable situation is Painaid's videos (perhaps something Drayner can associate with). Many players have used/use his videos to help give a greater understanding of FCing.

1) Give Constructive Criticism
2) Shed some Insight and Reasoning
3) Told to hold my Tongue
4) ???
5) The sound of a Bracket's Skill Stagnating

: )
It's a shame that everyone is expected to be a gladiator in the uber world of 19 twinking.

It's a shame that everyone doesn't hold themselves up to a high/the highest standards to help them strive to become the best they can...

That's the real shame.
Follow up on Derv's wall of posts. Eliot might I suggest a brand new shiny macro that you can take with you into your journeys as a 19 twink:


bind that baby to a comfortable key. she'll do wonders for ya.
derv how are u want 2 fight kid lets go u vers me by the bike rack after school or the flag pole ur picksies
If I hadn't said anything about the discrepancies in playstyle it is very likely some newer, innocently ignorant player could watch this video and with the lack diverse content uphold this playstyle as the "right way" to play, when it is clearly not. A somewhat comparable situation is Painaid's videos (perhaps something Drayner can associate with). Many players have used/use his videos to help give a greater understanding of FCing.

1) Give Constructive Criticism
2) Shed some Insight and Reasoning
3) Told to hold my Tongue
4) ???
5) The sound of a Bracket's Skill Stagnating

: )

have i ever told u how much i like the smiley face with the space in between at the end of ur posts

: )
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This is great anyone want to make a premade team with me lets take our talents to the gulch together

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