15-19 isn't possible?....you have been lied to. 19 F2P done right does better against a 19 P2P than a 20 F2P does against a 24 P2P. both F2P's yeah are at a disadvantage ...one much greater than the other
10-14 is possible....you are gonna make a twink to look at? really....no BGs pop in that bracket. read the 10-14 forum....exactly
starting at level-5 fishing is how you get 10G....best place is blasted lands (southern part), lake in WPL. fish all the nodes, you get mithril and iron trunks from schools that aren't floating wreckages.
also starting your F2P on a low pop server and camping arena in STV
once you have gold and alot of items to vend, you can take your player to 10...turn off XP. do the quests to fill in some slots as best you can...then turn on XP and start BGing till 12 and turn off again....get more gear....got to 15 turn off XP. at this point you can load your player up with blues thru dungeon finder/quests. and get the cloaks/belts from rewards bags easier. waiting till you are higher level sucks cause getting WC on a random most of the time is a painfull way to get cloaks/belts.