is it possible to farm gnomer still?


now that it's the gnome starting zone, is it still possible to farm it on an 85? i just flew out there on my 85 and got killed by a bunch of level 90 guards
From a horde point of view, there is a teleporter from Grom Gol.

I have flown there before with my 85... Got pummeled by the lvl 90's. After 1-2 resses you should be far enough into the entrance that you no longer agro the guards. From there it's plain sailing
lol first mob kill i got a blue, too bad it wasn't hot shot's pilot gloves or petrolspill leggings though
Lol when i went there on my main i flew the whole way there because i forgot about the teleporter and got rocked by those 90's.They shot me off my mount before i realized what was happening, but i rezzed behind them and it was all good.
Grom' gol is awesome imo. Can set hearth, empty bags, mail shit, repair all in the same spot and then enter it again.
Idk if they've changed something or it has always been like this but when I attempted to pull the whole top circle into a nice little group to aoe quickly, the mobs started to de-aggro and run back? Was this something I just messed up or is it not possible to pull huge amounts of mobs without them resetting?

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