Veteran Edition account (6.1 update)

if f2ps went 19 itd be a much better bracket, all those 29 BMs and shadow priests would have to come 19 to continue twinking where they wont be 1 shotting people who they are at an advantage to
I'm a little intimidated by how little I know about classes and gearing for the 19s bracket, so if this is going to be a thing, I'm going to have to read up a lot!
I'm a little intimidated by how little I know about classes and gearing for the 19s bracket, so if this is going to be a thing, I'm going to have to read up a lot!
and thats why we have the 19s forum :D i think if what we are predicting will happen happens the 19s forum might be active again.
and thats why we have the 19s forum :D i think if what we are predicting will happen happens the 19s forum might be active again.

I think the current f2ps might be too attached to their characters to consider making a new 19, after all the work they put in to get various rare items/achievements.

I sincerely hope the 19s bracket gets more action with the new patch, but I doubt it will become the new home of f2p.
29 bms and shadow priests or 19s where f2ps can actually play on an even playing surface for 5$. 19s take all of an afternoon to gear i finished a mage and a lock yesterday (no AGM)
I'm a little intimidated by how little I know about classes and gearing for the 19s bracket, so if this is going to be a thing, I'm going to have to read up a lot!

Well there is just some basic things to know:
1. you have no mount so you better like walking (Write a /wave-Macro for druid-fc)
2. be sure to not feel hated when 2-3 stealth-dds (mostly gf´d rogues from 2004!) rip u to shreds over and over cause reason 1.
3. with reason 1 and 2 in mind you are the only one going for flags and sooner or later (and by that I mean sooner) you will love reason 2 even more :)

19s BGs where peoples hopes of balance are destroyed since integrating pvp ;)
Keep reaching for the rainbow
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The biggest thing I'm kinda bummed about is, you don't get the sense of having to work for everything at this point. Especially if you are just going to make a 20 on an existing account, throw full heirlooms on it, buy BiS BOE gear, get all enchants off AH, etc.

It kind of takes away the difference about this bracket as opposed to others.
Well there is just some basic things to know:
1. you have no mount so you better like walking (Write a /wave-Macro for druid-fc)
2. be sure to not feel hated when 2-3 stealth-dds (mostly gf´d rogues from 2004!) rip u to shreds over and over cause reason 1.
3. with reason 1 and 2 in mind you are the only one going for flags and sooner or later (and by that I mean sooner) you will love reason 2 even more :)

19s BGs where peoples hopes of balance are destroyed since integrating pvp ;)
Keep reaching for the rainbow
Well, if this all works out, and 19s get a lot of people, then at least it won't be the same rogue in every game doing #2 .

But I can assure you that I am not alone in my certainty that I will never respect the gameplay of another who has access to things that I do not.

What does that even mean?

Everyone has same access to everything. We're not talking about jet-setting rich kids downing Jeroboams of Dom Perignon and driving Bugattis. We're talking about paying fifty cents a day, and not even indefinitely. When the heirloom tab goes live, you can bet your ass that I will equip those heirlooms. You don't have access to them? Bullshit. You DO.

You can upgrade your starter edition for five freaking dollars.

I'm sorry, but if you're too cheap or broke to access what everyone else has access to, then that's a YOU problem.

Either play and don't pay, or play and pay. The choice is yours, and none other. 'Respecting' or 'not respecting' someone else's choice to access what everyone has access to, including YOU, is ridiculous, and takes a fair bit of cognitive dissonance.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
What does that even mean?

Everyone has same access to everything. We're not talking about jet-setting rich kids downing Jeroboams of Dom Perignon and driving Bugattis. We're talking about paying fifty cents a day, and not even indefinitely. When the heirloom tab goes live, you can bet your ass that I will equip those heirlooms. You don't have access to them? Bullshit. You DO.

You can upgrade your starter edition for five freaking dollars.

I'm sorry, but if you're too cheap or broke to access what everyone else has access to, then that's a YOU problem.

Either play and don't pay, or play and pay. The choice is yours, and none other. 'Respecting' or 'not respecting' someone else's choice to access what everyone has access to, including YOU, is ridiculous, and takes a fair bit of cognitive dissonance.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

I'd say the only cognitive dissonance is the false belief that the only thing stopping me from these fields of greener grass is 5 dollars.

And not the community of F2Ps that I respect, and would never use money as a means to get an advantage over, even if it was 1 penny.

Some do not have access to a means to pay with eMoney. Hell, maybe some people hate Blizzard so much they would rather quit than actually pay the company money. I don't care because I respect their decisions, and I wish to play on the same level as them.

I may end up paying the 5 dollars just to have access to all of the heirlooms, and then simply never use the guild heirlooms. Because that's what the burden of choice is; I RESPECT myself and my friends enough to not take an advantage over them.

There's a word randomly Caps Lock'd for you :)
I guess you respect the jajas more than anyone here on TI, save a couple, since the vast majority of us are former or current subscribers. Is crushing jajas playing on a level field these days?

lol okay. Go ahead and pigeonhole yourself then. Hate Blizz Soo Much that you refuse to give them a dime, yet play their game. Hypocritical much? Who doesn't have access to emoney? No one I know. Mow your neighbor's lawn one time, go to darn near any convenience store, 7/11, Walmart, GameStop, etc, and trade that 15 bucks for a game time card. It's not difficult. A freaking homeless person can do it with charity handouts. This shit ain't expensive.

If you really want a level playing field, then pony up and subscribe. Max level PvP is the closest thing to balanced pvp that this game has ever offered.

I guess you forget where the 'twink' term came about. Because low level min-maxers were called 'faggots' by the people in the BGs that were actually playing on a level field. ;)

You don't twink to be on a level playing field. Never have, never will.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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I guess you respect the jajas more than anyone here on TI, save a couple, since the vast majority of us are former or current subscribers. Is crushing jajas playing on a level field these days?

lol okay. Go ahead and pigeonhole yourself then. Who doesn't have access to emoney? No one I know. Mow your neighbor's lawn one time, go to darn near any convenience store, 7/11, Walmart, GameStop, etc, and trade that 15 bucks for a game time card. It's not difficult. A freaking homeless person can do it with charity handouts. This shit ain't expensive.

If you really want a level playing field, then pony up and subscribe. Max level PvP is the closest thing to balanced pvp that this game has ever offered.

I guess you forget where the 'twink' term came about. Because low level min-maxers were called 'faggots' by the people in the BGs that were actually playing on a level field. ;)

You don't twink to be on a level playing field. Never have, never will.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

This is FREE TO PLAY section. Stop raging, calling stuff bullshit and throwing random arguments out of nowhere.

Besides, this 'mow some lawns' argument is stupid as hell, especially because he stated that he does not have a problem with that.

Why others' play style concerns you?
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I know what section I'm in. I'm not raging. I'm not even remotely annoyed. I play my starter edition far more than I play subbed. But the ridiculous notion that p2ps or linked accounts are some kind of scum is abhorrent to me. I KNOW that you're subbed, since you have a 60-something neutral Pandaren.

But the hate and vitriol that gets scatter-shotted all over this forum is ridiculous. I didnt play 24s and I don't play 29s. When I'm subbed, I play current (end game) content. When I'm not, I don't. That doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else here. And it definitely doesn't make anyone else better than me simply because they choose some arbitrary definition of what is noble and pure.

I stated recently that most of us trials aren't twinks. I said that we're something different, and that we're hardcore low level players. I stand by they statement.

Restrict yourself all you want. That's cool. But don't diss me just because I don't play the game exactly the way that you do.

Edit: I just saw your edit. Other person's play style DOESN'T bother me. Their judgmental attitude does. Play how you want to play. Just don't expect everyone else to play how you play, and certainly don't expect them to play their way without catching some flack when you start passing judgment on them.

I have two starter editions. One is linked. The other is not. I play the linked more, because i like the mounts, but I have some achieves on the unlinked that I don't even have on my linked. I like it that way. It's a testament to me, and to me ONLY, what is possible on a starter. But that means neither here nor there to anyone else BUT ME. It's all personal and subjective. As soon as you (me, anyone) start passing judgment and holding others to the standard that you (me, anyone) hold yourself to, we've lost sight of what we set out to do.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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I wish more people went into the 19s bracket if this makes it possible. Because in my opinion it's much more competitive than the 20-29 bracket. This is all just personal opinions, of course.
I know what section I'm in. I'm not raging. I'm not even remotely annoyed. I play my starter edition far more than I play subbed. But the ridiculous notion that p2ps or linked accounts are some kind of scum is abhorrent to me. I KNOW that you're subbed, since you have a 60-something neutral Pandaren.

But the hate and vitriol that gets scatter-shotted all over this forum is ridiculous. I didnt play 24s and I don't play 29s. When I'm subbed, I play current content. When I'm not, I don't. That doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else here. And it definitely doesn't make anyone else better tham me simply because they choose some arbitrary definition of what is noble and pure.

I stated recently that most of us trials aren't twinks. I said that we're something different, and that we're hardcore low level players. I stand by they statement.

Restrict yourself all you want. That's cool. But don't diss me just because I don't play the game exactly the way that you do.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

First of all, I do not think I know who you are. I don't know what toons you play. I'm having to accept everything you say at face value.

I am a linked account, I am not a pure trial. You seem to be incapable of reading the comments I have made above, so I'm going to copy paste them again down here for your viewing pleasure.

I'd say the only cognitive dissonance is the false belief that the only thing stopping me from these fields of greener grass is 5 dollars.

And not the community of F2Ps that I respect, and would never use money as a means to get an advantage over, even if it was 1 penny.

and let's go ahead and go with this one again too, I don't think you read it:

I may end up paying the 5 dollars just to have access to all of the heirlooms, and then simply never use the guild heirlooms. Because that's what the burden of choice is; I RESPECT myself and my friends enough to not take an advantage over them.

I don't intend nor frankly do I care to convince you. You seem set in your opinion.

If you intend to take an advantage over friends that I have who will not be going veteran, I don't see any way in which I can prevent you from doing that.

Just don't expect me to do the same, or to respect you.

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