Ahh good old Gurabashi arena, I never needed help just persistence,but thought I would try different tactics to speed up the process, met a seemingly nice horde 24 warrior. I don't wish to publicly shame him in a forum he frequents so I won't name him, when he had no level 90 friends with him he wanted to work together and complained about the 90s picking on the lowbies. I agreed to work together with him at the next time when it was just us 2 and a 57 monk, to my astonishment we kept him occupied and while the monk was killing me the 2nd time I lured him just far enough away an the warrior was able to get the token. Another time we worked together and killed an alliance a couple times, the ally gave up and since the warrior was on the chest I was motioning for him to take it. The next time I was there, he came and asked if anybody was around, I said I didn't think so and he said he would help me get the token. I thought, shouldn't he have said he would let me take the token, guessing he wanted a duel. Then he said don't try for it it's mine, watched him loot chest but he was leaving something inside, I thought he might have left the token an was just playing with me. He said just kidding take the token, so I start looting it, then hes attacking me, I stand there not attacking and just try get my token. So he killed me, maybe 5-6 times, then i don't rez, he offers me mass rez, and kills me again. Then he loots it and sez, WTF WTF theres no token it must be bugged. I logout knowing full well, that's what you get for helping ppl in the arena. He thinks he had a victory messing with me, he thinks he had gotten me mad or gotten the better of me. But dude, its like water off a ducks back, you can't break me you don't know me, I never quit or rage ever. You think you're representing 24s giving f2ps a hard time, I feel sorry for you dude, you give the 24s a bad name. You've been shat on in the past in f2p and had to go to 24s with the sole motive of revenge on f2ps. Well the next day I see you there again and got ganked by 90s as did I. I jumped on my Bieecth and ganked you when u rezzed trying to hide. Then the 90s got u again before I got 2 u, I waited at ur corpse, then they added me to group and started ragging on you, there was 4-5 90s camping u, u must have pissed of 1 of their friends. I wanted u to rez, u could see me in spirit form, my old instinct told me to tea-bag u, I resisted since I felt no satisfaction from killing u being vulnerable, it showed me how little I cared for this kind of behavior, and I pittied you for a second then I just plain felt sorry for you. You must have been burnt bad by ppl in game, and I didn't wish to continue this pathetic cycle of behavior. Anyway I'm sure you are glad I didn't name you, I don't want you to look bad in front of ur friends here. So anyway hope one day u get back some decent morals, or if ur happy picking on f2ps that's cool too. I play to challenge myself, so I always need 24s to try take me down. I may be despised for playing a rogue, but that only energises me more, I love being hated it's how I get my kicks, if u see Kenny or Bieetch send ppl after me please. I just don't want to be hated for unethical preying on the weak or my old teabagging ways. I' truely sorry to those i've annoyed when I started the game, I didn't know any better, although I will tea-bag ppl if they disserve it, i'll just keep it at a minimum theres no need to be excessive. Sorry this is so long, I failed english at school and i'm slow at getting my point across. If there's any haters, I love you all, come battle me in Arathi Basin !!! <3