Vent Your Frustrations II


I recently noticed that my previous ranting thread hit the one double o pages, and I really didn't know how many pages a thread could have so just in case, I have re-introduced the thread.

If you feel like you've had a bad day, before you post I have included some items that could make your day just a little bit brighter.

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy - YouTube

Positive Quotes

Positive Photos

PS: Just remember when your down, there's always one person that can pick you back up


PPPS: Remember that I love you guys. You are the reason why I play this game. Shoutouts to everyone from BWL, AP, Emerald Dream, Eldre'thalas, and all the puggers out there. You got mad love.

What are you waiting for? Release!
So, I was on my F2P and I got farmed in an AB by my best friend's 24 shadowpriest. He didn't know I played F2P and I didn't know he played 24. He'd even lie and say he hated 24.

He /spat and /rofl'd on every F2P he saw, which pissed me off. I AFK'd out of the BG, logged onto my P2P account and gave him shit for it. Called me a F2P bad and removed me from real ID and ignored me.

Not like my friend at all. I'm devastated since he was one of my best friends since I met him in Vanilla and he's never been a jackass like this before.
Everytime i get killed by an undergeared huntard on my mage i rage hard. Especially when their pet chases me across the entire AB when im on like 100 hp.

Just remember that you're enjoying the challenges of a underpowered class, and they're wasting their time facerolling something so ridiculously easy the only satisfaction they could possibly get is from killing other hunts.

(... at least that's what I tell myself when spam rejuv on my boomkin still doesn't save me from all the s-keying-half-geared-noob hunts running around.)
AB match, everyone charge and leaving the base empty,
feel useless left behind defending a base as a resto shaman.

facing dilemma of either charge with them and be call idiot,
or stay behind and be zerg by enemy.

also facing 4 or more rogue/hunter class in a team every AB match,
but paladin/druid seem to stay at max 3 per match.
AB match, everyone charge and leaving the base empty,
feel useless left behind defending a base as a resto shaman.

facing dilemma of either charge with them and be call idiot,
or stay behind and be zerg by enemy.

also facing 4 or more rogue/hunter class in a team every AB match,
but paladin/druid seem to stay at max 3 per match.

Same problem with rogues and hunters during AB. Also facing the fact that I have no reliable way to get away from Rogues/hunters as resto and having to stop healing my teammates to heal myself up from being sniped 40 yards away by hunters, or being blindsided by rogues and I'm so low that even if anyone wanted to help me they couldn't.
got in an ab game on my ally rogue against [MENTION=8222]Kearbear[/MENTION] and phron. so like any reasonable rogue i devoted the entire bg to killing those two <3 then entire bg i was successful until about 2 resources left when phron randomly rocket jumps right on my ass , flame shocks me then chases me around the entire basin to get the kill and literally 1 second after i die the bg ends -.- many a /snarl emotes were used by the angry shaman .

love you guys and /snarl right back at u phron
I'll give my 2 cents on the subject of venting my frustrations...........

This goes to half of the ppl on TI : !!! FUCK YOU !!!

Now remember this thread is about venting frustrations , so .......
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Same problem with rogues and hunters during AB. Also facing the fact that I have no reliable way to get away from Rogues/hunters as resto and having to stop healing my teammates to heal myself up from being sniped 40 yards away by hunters, or being blindsided by rogues and I'm so low that even if anyone wanted to help me they couldn't.

5.4=death of druids healing and resilience gear nerfed...
as much as i love wildcharge i usually spec displacer beast on druid. means to escape or at least prolong death for a bit.

When hunters disengage all their energy should hit zero and remain there for a few seconds (3-5). DPS burst is fine but if they need to escape well let that move be designed for escape...
BTW I play hunters as well.
Frustrated by paladins... I hate prots... I wish Ret was back.... At least honestly they could be kited, unless they started exo spamming. Nope, shoots you in the face with either 800(20) or 1.2k+(24) Shield, being silenced, stunned and dead. hurr durr...Leveling up a Ret paladin atm, because I only hate Prot... ret is fine to me, and Holy is less imba that resto when it comes to survivability, merely because they can run from most of the heavy hitters, mainly Warrior and Rogue. Eh. Maybe WoD will have a powershift like MoP did.
got in an ab game on my ally rogue against Kearbear and phron. so like any reasonable rogue i devoted the entire bg to killing those two <3 then entire bg i was successful until about 2 resources left when phron randomly rocket jumps right on my ass , flame shocks me then chases me around the entire basin to get the kill and literally 1 second after i die the bg ends -.- many a /snarl emotes were used by the angry shaman .

love you guys and /snarl right back at u phron

Wai u kill my pore boomkin D:

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