Vashj Strong!

id play more, but i want to make the most of my SoR.

good to see Vasj is getting better <3. Also i'd like to give out a shout to lich, because if i had to organize the people as much as he does, i would make everyone get vent so i could scream at them. Also once i get > 15% hit, i wana try and 5 man SM and see how far we can get through it.
id play more, but i want to make the most of my SoR.

good to see Vasj is getting better <3. Also i'd like to give out a shout to lich, because if i had to organize the people as much as he does, i would make everyone get vent so i could scream at them. Also once i get > 15% hit, i wana try and 5 man SM and see how far we can get through it.

We 5 manned it on AP horde. Two hunters, only one was stacking hit but they did similar DPS. Prot paladin tank, Disc healer, and myself on my Enh. I did a lot less DPS due to glancing blows (most of my DPS was flametongue procs and lava lash). We never got to cathedral, but we did everything up to that, partial wiping once, but the hunters managed to kite the boss long enough to down him.
My only complaint so far with this server was some real tools, maybe it was a bad apple, who knows. One person was particularly unwelcoming to re-rollers. It was a durr moment. But for the most part people were friendly. In fact one person went out of their way to start up a conversation via whispers.

Some sour first impressions aside, I'm willing to continue to see what happens and what you guys do at 20.
i want to pwn with lich too :)
good job Lich and Suntime for building a community.
Poor Lich. I bore witness to him teetering on the edge of blowing a gasket. I kid, I kid. Or do I?

You are right, there are people there from all walks. of... WoW experience. Some drama, some friendliness, some more drama, some anger. It has been a roller coaster so far. So much different than AP. But fun all the same.

I think once you get rooted it will be good, really good, but the way there... don't stroke out!
Btw, 2 simultaneous premades earlier today with enough people on for another
Vashj represent!
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Ok, 3 simultaneous premades today, with several more people online leveling/gearing, and about a dozen new friends (as though I haven't already lost control of my friends list)
A bit of drama (the first real stuff) but we've got that all squared away.
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Ok, 3 simultaneous premades today, with several more people online leveling/gearing :) and about a dozen new friends (as though I haven't already lost control of my friends list)
A bit of drama (the first real stuff) but we've got that all squared away.

Vag - er, Vashj - is beasting!
im jelly lol
I guess i have to say that Norgannon grew really fast but some of our important players quit wow :( the growth slowed down alot
but still growing tho
Ya Dubbs how is Norgannon?
I had so much hope in Norg back then when it was about 15-20 of us online but for some odd reason, too many people are quitting on our server.
it is still growing and it really did grow since back then, it was only me, Morphene, Nelrin, Cogglen, and Daonelock. We were the old ones but Daonelock quit long time ago and Nelrin is planning on quitting. So far, i can count about 9 players that quit wow that were geared.... thats too much compared to the f2p population on Norg. It affected the community in a dramatic way.
However, i am seeing another increase in population. Recently, i saw 4-5 new people joining us and one from long time ago coming back.

So i guess i dont know how Norgannon is/ will be. Since community always changes.
Just hoping that the change is a good change for now :(
Darn, I almost rolled a toon on Vashj back when it said New Players. I love making toons on severs when they're recommended because they'res actually people running around and makes me feel not alone! :p

This makes me really want to roll one over there now, but Ive just gotten so attached to Shandris. There's 4 f2ps here that I do things with regularly and we have lots of fun :)
Well shit, we seem to have made one of you TI twinks rather unhappy. I'm sorry :(

I'd like to know what you think: is it unreasonable to leave the Gurubashi Arena FFA?

It is an arena. May the best player (or the only one on at 3/6 am) win.

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